This is a transcript of the Monthly Fleetwide "Year of the Commodores" chat, which took place on 239811.21. All responses are reproduced as-is, with no corrections of spelling, grammar, etc. Non-relevant messages (e.g., GIFs) have not been transcribed.


T+0:00 Serala Alright, everyone! It's here at last! Our Monthly Fleetwide Chat. This month, we're speaking with our 6 Commodores and asking the questions each of you want to know the answers to.
T+0:00 Serala We have a thread started. If you want to ask some questions, please drop them in there and we will get as many as we can get to.
T+0:02 Serala Now, let's introduce our Commodores

Commodores, please introduce yourselves and tell us which ship/installation you command.

T+0:03 Nicholotti Kalianna Nicholotti, aka Marissa, formally in command of the USS Excalibur - A as of a few days ago. 🙂
T+0:03 Taybrim Hello! My name is Jamie and I play Commodore Sal Taybrim, Commanding officer of that big old Trojan Class II Starbase whose name you might be familiar with: StarBase 118 Ops!
T+0:04 Reynolds I'm Emma, player of Vice Admiral Quinn Reynolds, and I command the USS Gorkon. :sovereign_class:
T+0:04 Vataix Roshanara Rahman, aka Rich, and now playing as Ambassador Rivi Vataix for @amity Outpost!
T+0:05 Rajel I'm Jess playing Jalana Rajel the CO of the USS Constitution (or as we call her: Conny)
T+0:06 Kells Hey! I'm Tony, currently playing Aron Kells, CO of Thor (though both of those are likely to change soonish) (stay tuned!)

Question: Finding inspiration

T+0:06 Serala Thank you, Commodores, and thank you for taking time out to be here today.

Now, let's get to the questions. First up, we have a question from @FltAdml. Wolf

How do you stay inspired with writing after all these years as a CO!

T+0:07 Wolf So amazing that we have this many people with this much experience! +1 to thanks for being here during the chat today to share your wisdom with everyone.
T+0:08 Shayne prepares to take copious notes
T+0:08 Raga prepares to copy from Shayne's notes
T+0:09 Sevo prepares to steal Shayne's notes
T+0:09 Ohnari hopes all ships remain as is while the Commodores are away
T+0:09 Nicholotti Honestly, a lot of it is the community, my ship, my players...for everything I try to put together for them, they provide just as much for me in the way of creative light along this path of collaboration.
T+0:09 Dakora D'aww...