
Full Name: Ralik
Current Rank: Ensign
Race: Ferengi
Date of Birth: 235506.23
Place of Birth: Korpa, Ferenginar
Gender: Male
Telepathic status: -1


Height: 5'3"
Eye Color: Brown


Spouse: None
Children: None
Father: Dak (DaiMon)
Mother: Etha
Siblings: Frak (brother), Dem (brother, DaiMon)


Career points of note

Started tinkering in Engineering of his fathers Ferengi Marauder at the age of 9. Was a paid member of the crew at 13 and Chief Engineer at 22, a position he held for four years until he was accepted into Starfleet Academy.
Initially applied for the Academy at 21 with the backing of Starfleet Commander Randall though his application was rejected. At 31 he graduated Starfleet Academy and was assigned to the USS Independence-A.



Is a very friendly individual who attempts to put a pleasant atmosphere over every situation. He has typical Ferengi mannerisms like a scurrying face paced walk when busy or in a hurry, and a passive chuckle often used to break what he anticipates will be an uncomfortable silence.

Religious Views

Ralik once believed very heavily in the Ferengi religion of the Divine Treasury and the Great Material Continuum, though he started to question those beliefs in his mid teens and by his twenties he held very little faith in it. This is just as well, since if he had continued to be a follower he would not have joined Starfleet.