Kerraron's Moon

Orbiting Gorin is the wreckage of The Kerraron Star, a massive ship over 2500 meters long. It was the flagship of the Kerraron navy, until the Empire arrived that fateful day. The ship, of an ancient, unknown design, absorbed the battering of three Imperial destroyers, but even their combined firepower couldn't down the vessel. Content to damage it beyond repair, the Valcarians left its shattered bulk behind as a reminder to the people of Gorin.

The ship has been converted into a space station and renamed Kerraron's Moon. It's a freeport now, open to free traders, house-aligned traders, and fringers alike. The station generates suitable income for Gorin. Over the last five years, very slowly and quietly, House Kerraron has sunk millions of credits into the ship to refurbish it as a warship. She now has sub-light engines and several weapons arrays. Most of these components were purchased through Balivari Industries and other, less reputable sources. The next goal is to bring warp engines on line and one day, House Kerraron hopes that Kerraron's Moon will again be its flagship.