If This Goes On... (USS Eagle)


The Crew of the Eagle heads toward the Dialran, the home of a large Ring-like structure with the surface area of 3 Million M-Class planets.

Important Characters

Part 1

Acting on information from a Mithgiln report the crew of the Eagle is heading toward the Dialran system where are there are reports of a Nivian Ring - a ring 1 AU in radius around a G-Type star. The first data provided by probes has revealed that the structure is at least 1.25 million years old. The interior is made up of separate independent biospheres, each containing a different climate, weather patterns, and perfect spacing between one another. Each of these biomes is also equipped with its own propulsion circuit which keeps it all in sync with the rest of the interior.

Power for this vast installation seems to be coming from some kind of geosynchronous energy drawn from the star. One of the sections is breaking down which could lead to the entire Ring falling into the star.