Embassy of Duronis II Auxiliary Craft

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Template:Embassy Federation personnel assigned to the Embassy on Duronis II have a number of transport options available to them. Short trips within the area of Lokesh take advantage of Laudean ground transports. Vehicles resembling Hovercrafts have also been used on occasion to cross small bodies of water. For longer voyages, Starfleet craft assigned to the Embassy are available.

Overview of Craft

Non-Laudean craft are assigned at a number of locations.

Craft in Embassy Hangar

The Embassy Hangar
  • 1 Runabouts
  • 1 Hopper
  • 2 Workbees

Embassy Craft at the Lokesh Spaceport

  • Tactical Wing
    • 4 FA-150 Fast Attack Space Superiority Gunship (Maul)
    • 2 FA-150R Variant Fast Recon Craft (Mongoose)
  • 2 Runabouts
  • 1 Hopper

Starships assigned to Embassy


There are three Starfleet Runabouts stationed on Duronis II:

Location & Usage

The USS Martin Luther King Jr. is stored in the bunker located under the main Embassy building, able to launch from the bay door located to the south of the Embassy. It is used primarily as a transport option for the Ambassador and senior staff when engagements require travel. It can also, however, be used as an emergency escape vehicle for the Embassy staff, and can evacuate up to forty people in one launch. Any remaining crew can utilize the Hopper, transporters to access the nearby launch facility, or an orbiting vessel.

The other Runabouts and one Hopper are stored at a secure launching facility within Lokesh's small makeshift spaceport. Located approximately thirty kilometers from the main Embassy building but accessible by ground transportation or transporter.

Runabout Stats

  • Dimensions
    • Length: 23.1m
    • Beam: 13.7 m
    • Height: 5.4 m
    • Decks : 1
  • Crew: 13 (40 evacuation limit)
  • Armament
    • 64 x Type IV phaser arrays5, total output 750 TeraWatts
    • 2 x Micro photon torpedo tube5 + 24 torpedoes
  • Defense Systems
    • Standard shield system, total capacity 56,700 TeraJoules
    • Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull
    • Low level Structural Integrity Field
  • Warp Speeds
    • Normal Cruise: 4
    • Maximum Cruise: 5
    • Maximum Rated: 5.2 for 12 hours


There are two Hoppers assigned to Duronis II:

Hoppers were designed for a variety of different assignments ranging from zero-g troop deployment to mobile ground ops and heavy ordinance deployment. They were created through necessity in late 2347 as a direct response to the Setlik III massacre and the following outbreak of hostilities with the Cardassian Union.

Location & Usage

One of Starfleet's two Hoppers on Duronis II is always stored next to the Runabout Martin Luther King Jr in the Embassy's subterranean hanger bay. The second hopper is stored with the other Runabouts at a secured launching facility approximately thirty kilometers from the main Embassy building.

Both Hoppers are configured as colonial transport vehicles, rated to move people short-range interstellar. The Hopper's were assigned to Duronis II given the planet's unstable post-revolutionary political state. Their purpose is primarily as an emergency escape vehicle for the Embassy staff, and can evacuate up to forty-eight people in one launch. Any remaining crew can utilize the runabout, transporters to access the nearby launch facility, or an orbiting vessel.

Hopper Stats

  • Cab
    • Length: 15.5m
    • Beam: 10.5m
    • Height: 5.65m
    • Deck count: 2
    • Crew count: 2 - 6
    • Passenger capacity: 4
  • Full transport (basic configuration)
    • Length: 22.5m
    • Beam: 10.5m
    • Height: 5.65m
    • Deck count: 2
    • Crew count: 2
    • Passenger capacity: 36

Tactical Wing

The newest edition to the Federation Embassy on Duronis II is the Tactical Wing. The Tactical Wing and its pilots serve as aerial and orbital defense for the Embassy as well as performing other specific missions such as escort, reconissance, etc.

See Also