StarBase 118 Strategic Operations Department
The Strategic Operations Department (STRAT-OPS) of StarBase 118 is tasked with preparing starbase andsStarships in the sector (primarily the Trinity-Serellen Defense Fleet) for the outbreak of conflict. The department liaises with Starfleet Command and allied commands to obtain strategic and tactical data, handling logistical matters and fleet deployments. Its officers are also responsible for coordinating all Starfleet and allied assets within SB118's designated area of space (which is the Trinity Sector, the Serellen Sector and the Jenatris Cloud Sector).
StarBase 118 |
Assignment and jurisdiction
The starbase can have hundreds of starships and installations under its jurisdiction at any given time. StratOps primary duties is to coordinate all Starfleet activity within the sectors, especially in times of war, coordinating closely with Starbase 118's intelligence and tactical divisions, as well as Fleet Operations.
Administrative location
The primary administrative location for STRAT-OPS is Command Tower 3, located in the Command Towers area of StarBase 118. It is referred to as "Strategic Operations Command" (STRAT-OPS COM).
The Strategic Operations Department is nothing if not impressive. Most activity takes place in the StratOps Control Center, otherwise known as "the center" to its main occupants.
Strategic Operations Control Center
The Strategic Operations Control Center, or "the Center", is housed in a large edifice that emcompasses three of the fifteen utilized decks by StratOps in tower three. It includes numerous, contiguous gesture interfaces (HMI), and interactive holographic kiosks around the massive circular area. Using these technologies, input devices and touch screens are not needed. Surfaces can be transparent or with a simple vocal or gestured command, transformed into a one-way open interface. The location of every Starfleet and allied vessel and installation is detailed, updates occurring instantaneously. Officers merely need to use hand gestures to open and close files, merge and link data, and drag information from one interface to another. Gesture commands are preferred over vocal commands, as the Center is busy, dozens of officers operating within it at any one time.
LCMD Reed's Office
Reed's office overlooks the Center. It is situated at the top of a set of transparent, lighted steps. Her office had an unobstructed view of everything taking place in the hub below. But she also had the option of making the window one way, so she could see out but they couldn't see in, or going with a frosted look, so viewing was a two-way obstruction. Her desk is yet another transparent, tangible interface, utilizing both gesture and multi-touch technologies.
Tower 3 Decks
- 16-25 Unassaigned
- 15: Personnel Resources Department
- 14: Diplomatic liaison auxiliary offices
- 13: Auditing Department
- 12: Water Mane Lounge, Cafeteria, Gym, and Trinity Daycare
- 11-9: The "Center"
- 8: Tropical Arboretum/Organic garden
- 7: Conference rooms 1-3
- 6: Communications management department
- 5: Information management department, Starfleet liaison department, emergency routing-support department
- 4: Conference Rooms 4-6
- 3: StratOps Team Room
- 2: Wellness Center
- 1: Lobby, security