Ronin Officer's Manual/Staff

Ronin Officer's Manual


Ronin Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: The Lists
3: Formatting Your Sims
  • II: Ronin 101
4: The Setting
5: The Ship
6: The Crew
  • III: Operating Procedures
7: Staff
8: Missions
9: Shoreleave
10: Mission Proposals
  • IV: Beyond the Basics
11: Promotions
12: OOC Activities
13: Mentoring

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The staff group for Ronin serves to facilitate the ongoing operation of our game. Membership to the staff group is by invitation only based on demonstrated simming and OOC contributions to the ship.

Ronin staff members discuss topics including (but not limited to) Ronin's ongoing story development, personnel details, long-term planning, mentoring of new or returning members, and concerns regarding IC and OOC conduct. All Ronin players who are part of the ship's staff group and are of Lt. Commander rank or higher are expected to participate in the mentoring program as a mentor. The mentoring program is administered by the first officer.

All emails your mentor, XO, or Captain sends to you are typically BCC'd to the staff list for training (and quality!) purposes, as this allows other staff members to comment or offer them advice so you receive the best helping hand in our RPG.

All staff members have access to:

  • Monthly ship report composed by CO
  • Ronin Google Document Drive
    • Including original Ronin ship proposal, mentoring information, and received mission proposals.
  • Advice and mentoring guidance
  • Emails sent to members by mentors

Command staff

The command staff refers to the smaller staff group made up of the Ronin's captain, first officer, and second officer. Sometimes referred to as the "command trio", they handle the more sensitive matters off the staff list. It is their job to monitor player sim rates individually and as a whole, and determine disciplinary actions (if necessary). More often they will choose what the ship's next mission will be from the list of mission proposals in the Ronin Google Document drive made available to all staff members.

Staff members

These players receive emails sent to our staff list.

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