Cadfael Peters/Ribbons

< Cadfael Peters
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Awards & Accolades

Note: For OOC awards, player achievements, and badges, click here.
  • Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon, 238909.10
  • Explorer's Ribbon, 239201.25, 239804.25, 239905.23, 239909.24
239201.25 USS Victory - Nugra [1]
239804.25 USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Everyone here will be awarded Explorer’s Ribbon for pushiing the boundaries of known space, the First Contact Ribbon for obviious reasons, and the Operation Safe Harbor Ribbon for your actions against the Caraadian Pirates. Well done, everyone.[2]
239905.23: USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Mei’konda: Fiirst and foremost, all members of the crew are being awarded the First Contact Ribbon, and the Explorer’s Ribbon, both for helping to expand the boundariies of known spaace, and in ensuriing that our encounter with a new alien raace went as smoothly as possible, given the circumstaances.[3]
239909.24: USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Mei'konda: Thank you for comiing, everyone. You all worked very hard on our laast mission. Some of you stepped up, when you had a limited amount of experience, and showed both your skill and dedicaation to the ideals of Starfleet. First, may I congratulaate everyone present - the Chin’toka’s entire crew is being awarded the Peacekeeper Service Ribbon for your efforts in preventing the Al-Leyan Council and Exile fleets from winding up in full scale conflict, as well as the Explorer's Ribbon for our partial charting of the Langosta Nebula.[4]
  • First Contact Ribbon: 239201.25, 239712.30*, 239804.25, 239505.23
239201.25 USS Victory - Nugra [1]
239712.30 USS Juneau - Oddas: Oddas: First, for the entire crew, the First Contact Ribbon. While not all First Contacts go as planned, or are recognized for what they are, each gives us a better feeling and understanding for how the universe works, for how we should act with each other. While I wish this had ended better, we now have a much better understanding for how life in the Wilds thrives between the stars. Each of you performed admirably and I could not wish for a better performance. (In Absentia)[5]
239804.25 USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Everyone here will be awarded Explorer’s Ribbon for pushiing the boundaries of known space, the First Contact Ribbon for obviious reasons, and the Operation Safe Harbor Ribbon for your actions against the Caraadian Pirates. Well done, everyone.[2]
239905.23 USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Fiirst and foremost, all members of the crew are being awarded the First Contact Ribbon, and the Explorer’s Ribbon, both for helping to expand the boundariies of known spaace, and in ensuriing that our encounter with a new alien raace went as smoothly as possible, given the circumstaances.[3]
  • Purple Heart: 239201.25, 239701.26
239201.25 USS Victory - Nugra [1]
239701.26 USS Juneau / Project Capstone - Oddas: Now, if the XO could help me pass out of a few individual awards.  :: pause:: It is unfortunate, but a mission such as ours did lead to a some injuries, and for that we recognize them in the only way we can, though it seems insignificant. Mister Peters, Sienelis, and Hyden, all received injuries in the line of duty, :: blushing slightly and speaking quickly to get past her own name:: along with their Captain, and to acknowledge that we extend a small token of our thanks, the Purple Heart, as well as an admonishment to please not make it a habit. [6]
  • Innovation Ribbon: 239201.25, 239212.20, 239303.20, 239605.02
239201.25 USS Victory - Nugra [1]
239212.20 StarBase 118 Ops - Taybrim: I am awarding all four of you [Commander Anders, Lieutenant Vondaryan, Lieutenant Peters and Commander Whittaker] the innovation ribbon. Your work on everything from hacking the Stormcrow's database to modifying probes to uncover a hiding Romulan ship to the pulse wave that could drop the Stormcrow's shields was extraordinary. You all went above and beyond to protect our ship in creative ways, and to keep the Albion in one piece under extraordinary odds. Thank you all for your incredible dedication.[7]
239303.20 StarBase 118 Ops - Taybrim: First up, upon hearing of our clever and quick solution to the Tribble troubles, Starfleet Command has authorized the award of the Innovation Ribbon for quick thinking, quick containment, and a number of very clever and innovative solutions to a breeding problem ranging from good response from our new medical teams, clever containment and the use of Klingon Pheremones to stop the advance of our weaponized furballs. I must also add that 'hairless tribbles' had been added to the roster of recognized tribble breeds, under the species: Polygeminus grex lianius 118. So now everyone who was onboard the station at that time can say they were part of tribble history. ::He was grinning widely now, amused at the adventures a simple tribble ocnvention had brought to the station.:: This award is presented to: Theo Whittaker, Baylen Anders, Kaitlyn Falcon, Antero Flynn, Freya Andersen, Cadfael Peters, Mirra Ezo, Zinna, Trel'lis, Tatash and Trellis Vondaryan.[8]
239605.02 Duronis II Embassy - Pandorn: ::presents the ribbon box, smiling:: Lieutenant Peters, you showed some skill in rigging EMP charges to crossbow bolts in an attempt to disable the android if it attacked, again not being necessary. This earns you the Innovation Ribbon as well. Good job, Lieutenant.[9]
  • Prometheus Campaign Ribbon: 239204.29, 239207.14
239204.29 StarBase 118 Ops - Leo Handley-Page on behalf of Commander Renos (Phase 1): As you have some prior experience of the potential pitfalls of what we may face in this next mission, I wanted to talk to you first without making you an unintended magnet for questions from others should they see you get this ribbon in public. I am sorry for doing this without fanfare. [10]
239207.14 StarBase 118 Ops - Leo Handley-Page (Phase 2): Your bravery and devotion to duty is second to none, and your achievements have been recognized. It is my pleasure to announce all senior crew have been awarded the Prometheus Ribbon. [11]
  • Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239207.14, 239808.28
239207.14 Starbase 118 Ops - Leo Handley-Page: I am also happy to award the Joint Meritorious ribbon to Lieutenant Commander Taybrim, Lieutenant Commander Falcon, Lieutenant JG Stevens, Lieutenant JG Peters, Ensign Yael, Ensign Pon Pon for their success in working with the Romulans of the Ashpodel. [11]
239808.28 USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: You all faaced a very difficult situation aboard the Titan, and much more importaantly than the political capital your efforts may have earned us with some of the Caraadian Great Houses, you all saved many lives in workiing with the freighter’s crew to bring her damage under control and allowing to distribute her medical supplies and foodstuffs through the area afterwaard. For leadiing your teams in these efforts and working so effectiively with the Titan’s crew, I’m happy to award the three of you the Joint Meritorious Unit award. [12]
  • Silver Lifesaving Ribbon: 239303.20
StarBase 118 Ops: Taybrim: Next is an award that some may think is unusual. We almost always associate lifesaving with medical service, but so many forget that any member of the crew can take actions that save lives. In this case, Starfleet lives. On Tilanna V we had an away team surrounded by hostile criminals that had already suffered casualties; and we needed to get aid to them. In the end it was an incredible bit of Marine heroics that saved the day - and again I'll get to that in a moment. But two officers really made that jump possible - Lt Commander Kaitlyn Falcon who expertly positions the Aegis into the atmosphere to allow the jump; and Lieutenant JG Cadfael Peters who calibrated the transporters to get the teams in and out of Anjunaar. To both of you I award the Silver Lifesaving medal, for saving and protecting the lives of Starfleet officers. [8]
  • Maiden Voyage Ribbon: 239701.21, 239707.20
239701.21 Project Capstone / USS Juneau - Oddas: I promise to make this sort since I know some of you have other plans, but we do want to recognize some important people. First, because this is the Juneau's first mission everyone aboard is Awarded the Maiden Voyage Ribbon. Likewise, due to your work on the project and your Warp XV Engine, in general, you have been awarded the Project Capstone Ribbon and the Warp XV Pioneer. Thank you very much, please wear them with pride. [6]
239707.20: USS Juneau - Oddas: For participating in the official first mission of the Juneau, the entire crew is awarded the 'Maiden Voyage Ribbon'. On a personal note, from someone for whom the ship means so much, thank you all for brining it back in such good shape.[13]
  • Warp XV Pioneer Ribbon: 239701.21
239701.21 Project Capstone / USS Juneau - Oddas: I promise to make this sort since I know some of you have other plans, but we do want to recognize some important people. First, because this is the Juneau's first mission everyone aboard is Awarded the Maiden Voyage Ribbon. Likewise, due to your work on the project and your Warp XV Engine, in general, you have been awarded the Project Capstone Ribbon and the Warp XV Pioneer. Thank you very much, please wear them with pride. [6]
  • Project Capstone Ribbon: 239701.21 (6 phases)
239701.21 Project Capstone / USS Juneau - Oddas: I promise to make this sort since I know some of you have other plans, but we do want to recognize some important people. First, because this is the Juneau's first mission everyone aboard is Awarded the Maiden Voyage Ribbon. Likewise, due to your work on the project and your Warp XV Engine, in general, you have been awarded the Project Capstone Ribbon and the Warp XV Pioneer. Thank you very much, please wear them with pride. [6]
  • Orion Syndicate Service Medal: 239701.21
239701.21 Project Capstone / USS Juneau - Oddas: Next, because those things did not go as planned, you are receiving both the Legion of Merit and the Orion Syndicate Service Medal. This is in recognition that things do not always go as planned, but individually, and as a crew, Starfleet always overcomes. [6]
  • Legion of Merit: 239701.21
239701.21 Project Capstone / USS Juneau - Oddas: Next, because those things did not go as planned, you are receiving both the Legion of Merit and the Orion Syndicate Service Medal. This is in recognition that things do not always go as planned, but individually, and as a crew, Starfleet always overcomes. [6]
  • Diplomacy Ribbon: 239710.28
239710.28: USS Juneau - Oddas: Likewise, it became apparent when the Breen were using the Jem'Hadar found were also victims of the Breen renegades the Juneau crew worked to deescalate the situation, and put the framework in place in order for them to, potentially, thrive as a peaceful colony in the Wilds. This work is recognized by the crew being awarded the Diplomacy Ribbon, and my appreciation. [14]
  • Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal: 239710.28, 239804.25
239710.28 USS Juneau - Oddas: When we first heard of ships being attacked in the Wilds I assumed there would be a few rogue actors behind them - when it was revealed to be a quasi-organized group of Breen renegades, the crew stepped up and worked to uncover the group behind it and put an end to it. This work means there is one less of band of pirates in the Wilds, and for the crew's efforts they are awarded the Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.[14]
239804.25 USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Everyone here will be awarded Explorer’s Ribbon for pushiing the boundaries of known space, the First Contact Ribbon for obviious reasons, and the Operation Safe Harbor Ribbon for your actions against the Caraadian Pirates. Well done, everyone.[2]
  • Good Conduct Ribbon: 239804.25, 239905.23
239804.25 USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Commander Peters, I went over the logs of your combat pilotiing several times. Though you are new aboard the Chin’toka, you’ve clearly taaken to her quickly. I notiiced some extremely creative maneuvers performed at a hiigh level of proficiency. I’m pleased to award you the Good Conduct Ribbon for your haard work in keeping the Chin’toka saafe from multiple attackers. Well done.[2]
239905.23 USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Lieutenant Commanders Raga, Peters, and Levinson. I’m pleased to awaard all three of you the Good Conduct Ribbon for your efforts in ensuriing that Mr. Raga’s shuttle returned safely aboard the Chin’toka, despiite the damage that was caused in the process. I would much raather have a damaged shuttle and shuttlebay than casualtiies among the crew. [3]
  • Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon: 239808.28
USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: First, the whole crew is beiing award a new service ribbon commissioned exclusively for our efforts in the last days, the Par’tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon. This was a particulaarly difficult mission as far as colonization is concerned, and Starfleet Command has agreed that you all deserve to be recognized in this way.[12]
  • Lifesaving Ribbon: 239808.28
USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Additionally, Mr. Peters, I understand that you played a direct part in saving one of the Titan’s crew members from severe plasma burns. For that, I am honored to present you with the Lifesaving Ribbon.[12]
  • Department Chief Ribbon: 239812.18
USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Fiirst, some relatively routiine bookkeeping that is nevertheless worthy of note. It’s now been over a year siince we all joined each other aboard the Chin’toka. Some of you are overdue for Department Chief ribbons. (Helm) [15]
  • Captain's Commendation: 239812.18
USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda: Commander Peters, you once again continue to show us amaziing feats of starship piloting abilities. Whoever thought helm isn’t an involved job has never flown through the Expanse. Commander Rosek, your expertise as a mission specialist was invaluable throughout the fleet duriing our journey. Those shiips out there had no idea what to do in a hostiile situation, and you helped to whiip them into shape. I’m pleased to award you both the Captain’s Commendation. Thaank you for all that you do.[15]
  • Peacekeeper Service Ribbon: 239909.24
USS Chin'toka - Mei'konda Mei’konda: Thank you for comiing, everyone. You all worked very hard on our laast mission. Some of you stepped up, when you had a limited amount of experience, and showed both your skill and dedicaation to the ideals of Starfleet. First, may I congratulaate everyone present - the Chin’toka’s entire crew is being awarded the Peacekeeper Service Ribbon for your efforts in preventing the Al-Leyan Council and Exile fleets from winding up in full scale conflict, as well as the Explorer's Ribbon for our partial charting of the Langosta Nebula.[4]
