User:Didrik Stennes/Sandbox
- This is a transcript of the Monthly Fleetwide "Year of the Commodores" chat, which took place on 239811.21. All responses are reproduced as-is, with no corrections of spelling, grammar, etc. Non-relevant messages (e.g., GIFs) have not been transcribed. Special formatting (e.g., italic and bold text) has not been carried over.
T+0:00 | Serala | Alright, everyone! It's here at last! Our Monthly Fleetwide Chat. This month, we're speaking with our 6 Commodores and asking the questions each of you want to know the answers to. |
T+0:00 | Serala | We have a thread started. If you want to ask some questions, please drop them in there and we will get as many as we can get to. |
T+0:02 | Serala | Now, let's introduce our Commodores
Commodores, please introduce yourselves and tell us which ship/installation you command. |
T+0:03 | Nicholotti | Kalianna Nicholotti, aka Marissa, formally in command of the USS Excalibur - A as of a few days ago. 🙂 |
T+0:03 | Taybrim | Hello! My name is Jamie and I play Commodore Sal Taybrim, Commanding officer of that big old Trojan Class II Starbase whose name you might be familiar with: StarBase 118 Ops! |
T+0:04 | Reynolds | I'm Emma, player of Vice Admiral Quinn Reynolds, and I command the USS Gorkon. :sovereign_class: |
T+0:04 | Vataix | Roshanara Rahman, aka Rich, and now playing as Ambassador Rivi Vataix for @amity Outpost! |
T+0:05 | Rajel | I'm Jess playing Jalana Rajel the CO of the USS Constitution (or as we call her: Conny) |
T+0:06 | Kells | Hey! I'm Tony, currently playing Aron Kells, CO of Thor (though both of those are likely to change soonish) (stay tuned!) |
Question: Finding inspiration
T+0:06 | Serala | Thank you, Commodores, and thank you for taking time out to be here today.
Now, let's get to the questions. First up, we have a question from @FltAdml. Wolf How do you stay inspired with writing after all these years as a CO! |
T+0:07 | Wolf | So amazing that we have this many people with this much experience! +1 to thanks for being here during the chat today to share your wisdom with everyone. |
T+0:08 | Shayne | prepares to take copious notes |
T+0:08 | Raga | prepares to copy from Shayne's notes |
T+0:09 | Sevo | prepares to steal Shayne's notes |
T+0:09 | Ohnari | hopes all ships remain as is while the Commodores are away |
T+0:09 | Nicholotti | Honestly, a lot of it is the community, my ship, my players...for everything I try to put together for them, they provide just as much for me in the way of creative light along this path of collaboration. |
T+0:09 | Dakora | D'aww... |
T+0:10 | Taybrim | For me staying inspired comes from two things. One is - I've been a DM/ST/CO/game master for many years. since 1996. This includes over 15 years of online chat STing and over twenty years of simming. So part of it is I love storytelling. It's one of my passions.
The second is collaboration. Telling all those stories yourself is hard but bouncing ideas off of others, giving them the agency to write their own ideas and building as a group keeps momentum going long term. |