Blaidd Vescori/Quarters/Deck 4, Room 8

Room 08 used to be a fairly standard single Crew Quarter aboard the USS Eagle. It consists of a bedroom, a living/dining area and a small bathroom. Since it was assigned to Blaidd Vescori, it was turned into an experience of it's own, mostly by a mix of furniture, lights, rugs, furcoats and lots of furnishing fabrics. However, there have been dome some slight structural changes to implement a functioning fireplace in the middle of an 24th century crew cabin.

Main Room

The main room functions as both Blaidd's Den which combines Living and Dining Room, as well as his private gym area.

The Den

The first thing that usually draws a visitors eye is the open fireplace in the middle of the den, which was modeled after classic examples, complete with lavish ornamentation, depicting hunting scenes of great beasts in the wilderness. The mantle is full with knick-knackery, several figurines of wolves and mythical creatures as well as various sport trophies among it. A central spot belongs to a holographic image of Blaidd among his parents and siblings. Right in front of the fireplace there is a huge bearskin that kinda invites you to get down and rest in the light of the dancing flames.

Two divan beds all dressed up in fur face two opposite sides of a nearby dinner table. The furniture has an old and somewhat worn look, definitely pieces that go for coziness rather than style. There is an impure emerald, at least the size of Blaidd's fist, sitting as the centerpiece of the table, some tea candles arranged in a pattern around it.

Other objects of note: A wooden drinks cabinet, filled with several bottles of mostly German wine, Irish Whiskey and Scotch Whisky. An old book cabinet, filled with some leather clad books. A painted treasure chest which looks straight out of a fantasy novel, a stand for a huge Two-Hander, that doesn't seem to be a mere prop, but rather the real deal. Almost live-sized statues of muscular human men in poses related to sports and body building, the style reminiscent of ancient Greek and Roman statues.

The food replicator is carmouflaged to look like a fitting wooden kitchen cabinet.

Gym Area

Blaidd has turned part of his quarters into a basic gym, despite him also being a regular in the ship's facilities. The primary focus of this area obviously lies with bodybuilding, all the weights, equipment and machinery perfectly adjusted to serve his needs. It is easy to notice that this part of the room sees daily usage, if not by sight alone, then perhaps by the aroma that usually hangs in the air.

The Walls

The walls are lined with furs and decorative furnishing fabrics, leaving only room for the windows, the pieces of furniture that touch the wall and a surprisingly large number of framed antique mirrors (replicas obviously),that allow you to observe the room from many interesting angles and perspectives. The lights are hidden among the fabrics and add a mellow, indirect illumination to the room.


His bedroom is, like the rest of her quarters, impeccably clean. On immediately walking in you will see a very well made bed, with a dressing table next to it. In front of the bed is a wardrobe, which contains several spare uniforms as well as a somewhat eclectic selection of casual clothing. On the ground is a very plush purple mat.

The Walls


A standard washroom equipped with a sink, sonic shower and toilet. Under the sink is an embarrassingly large selection of make-up, including a lot from her previous style phases.