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Leya-I, also referred to as "Luraul", is the homeworld of the Al-Leyan people, located in the Luraul system of the Beta Quadrant.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Dran'tis Sector (coordinates B24-0002-1300)
  • Proper Name: Luraul
  • Pronunciation: Lew-RAHL
  • Stars: K0V
  • Planets:
    • Leya-I: .68AU M-class
    • Leya-II: 1.4AU L-class 1 satellite
    • Leya-III: 2 AU J-class 15 satellites
    • Leya-IV: 2.9AU K-class 3 satellites
    • Leya-V: 3.8AU P-class

Home World

World Climate Map of Leya-I (Luraul)
  • Proper Name: Leya-I
    • Other names: Luraul
  • Pronunciation: Le'Ya One
  • Distance from Star: 0.68AU (101,726,640 km)
  • Diameter: 11,340 km (7,087 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.65 standard gravity with a density of 5.9
  • Axial Tilt: 12%, minor seasonal effects (less than Earth)
  • Orbital Period: 360 Al-Leyan days (465 days)
  • Rotational Period: 31 Al-Leyan hours (40 hours)
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 43%
    • Atmosphere: 1.93 is a standard pressure with 79% nitrogen, 20.5% oxygen, 0.5% industrial pollutants
    • Climate: Tropical, and sub tropical lands, with two large mountain ranges.
    • Population: 700 million

Additional Information

  • Government: Unitary world government
  • Political System: Council for each nation state with the unitary world government having ultimate authority
  • Languages Spoken: Esperanto
  • Regions/Provinces: Northern Polar Region, Southern Polar Region, Crindi Province
  • Capitals: Sez Toural
  • Points of Interest: Sez Magan Space Port (Southern Polar Region), Ositana Mountain Region, Khilas International Space Port, Akvo Mangxi Cafe (Crindi Province), Toural Mountains (Southern Polar Region)

Leya I
Stellar Cartography
Sector Dran'tis Sector
System Luraul
Sun(s) 1
Moon(s) 1
Class M
Diameter 11,340 km (7,087 miles)
Atmosphere 1.93 is a standard pressure with 79% nitrogen, 20.5% oxygen, 0.5% industrial pollutants
Hydrosphere 43%
Climate Tropical, and sub tropical lands, with two large mountain ranges.
Gravity 1.65 standard gravity with a density of 5.9
Length of Day 31 Al-Leyan hours (40 hours)
Length of Year 360 Al-leyan days (465 days)
Native species Al-Leyan
Official Language Ka'ilsh, Esparentau, Occidiena
Population 700 million
Technological Classification N
Exports Wool, Kavja beans
Government World Unitary

Al-Leyans have adapted to be a nocturnal race. Their vision is so much better in the dark and they have excellent hearing. They never went through a period of burning fossil fuels and look after their planet. Nature is very important to them and a strong, key theme in their religious and spiritual beliefs.

Geography and Climate

Leya-I has four climates:


These regions lie closest to the equator and experience temperatures ranging from 29 to 30 degrees celsius (83 to 85 degrees fahrenheit), seeing rainfall from 200 to 1000 cm (80 to 400 inches) per year. As a result, humidity is always fairly high (77% to 88%).

Trees in some areas grow in thick groves and can reach as high as 300 feet tall. Rope bridges have been discovered built into some of the thicker patches of trees, believed to be the ancient pathways their ancestors walked to keep safe from predators at night. These pathways are known as the Pontoj De Arboj, or the Tree-Walker Bridges.


Lying more toward the middle of the landmasses, these areas are characterized by hot, humid summers (22 degrees celsius and above) and mild, chilly winters (0 to 18 degrees celsius). In these regions (most often coastal), rainfall peaks in the summer with annual precipitation ranging from 75 to 200 cm (30 to 79 inches).

The Crindi Province is a small coastal region known for its succulent seafood, particularly a dish called Kornan Longoniŝa kuvon (Horned Longfish stew).


These areas are wetter and windier than low-lying areas, though temperatures decrease with altitude and weather conditions can change dramatically in as little as an hour. Particularly high peaks are covered in snow year round. The Ositana Mountain Region is particularly popular for recreational activities.


Their home planet has tropical and subtropical climes. Their planet is very hot and bright during the day. Due to this they would retire to their homes during the hottest and brightest part of the day to take their rest. Their homes would be designed to help keep them cool.

When the race was just young they would shelter in caves and in other cool spots in the forest. The trees have adapted to the planet's hot sun with tough bark and leaves and flowers that curl up during the hottest part of the day to prevent them from becoming dry and burning.

Native Fauna


A bird-like creature similar to the Terran barn owl native to the Toural Mountains of Leya-I’s southern polar region.

Similar to the Terran 'barn-owl', the Al-Leyan Seiuri, or Taural Seiuri as it's known locally. It is a nocturnal avian native to the southern polar region of Leya-l. Their habitat spans across the entire Taural Mountains, and a majority of the Ritashi Valley.

While slightly smaller than the owls from Earth, they are far more powerful than their larger counterparts due to the denser atmosphere and gravity of Leya-l. But also have slightly larger wingspans comparatively.

As with the Terran varieties, Females are larger than males. They weigh 770 grams, while males weigh around 670 grams. Females also have a slightly longer body length (30 to 36 cm for females, 28 to 34 cm for males) and wingspan than males. The wingspan of Seiuri owls ranges from 110 to 114 cm. They are heavier than Earth owls, both in flight and hunting capabilities.

Their talons can easily tear through the thick, dense hides of the mountain rodents they prey upon. Their grip strength is strong enough to crush an adult human's arm, especially if grabbed while mid flight. Thicker feathers protect them from the intense cold of the polar region.

As with all owls, they have exceptional night vision and hearing, though in regards to their visual acuity Seirui are vastly superior. As with the Al-Leyan people, the conditions of their planet has caused them to have spectacular night vision. Easily able to see twice as better as an Earth owl in the dark and low-light conditions. Their eyes also have the same reflective effect when in dim/low lighting as Al-Leyans.

The most unique attribute of this species however is they are telepathic. Bonding to one another in a way that allows mated pairs and their offspring to communicate over vast distances. It also enables them to be exceedingly effective pack hunters. A parliament, the term for a group of owls, of Seiuri are able to hunt an entire nest of rodents in a single night. Though they are also seen solitary once the young are of an adult age and leave the familial territory to fend for themselves.

Despite this they have been observed coming to the aid of a family member even after years of separation in times of distress. Alerted via their telepathic link.

A peculiar addendum to their psionic ability is that it does enable them in rare cases to form a telepathic bond with those they imprint on. Including other animal species and sentient species as well. As a result, Seuri eggs are sometimes sought after by Al-Leyan's and offworlders seeking them as pets. This practice was declared illegal decades ago as it can impact on their ecosystem from all the poaching. However, there are cases of Seiuri young/eggs being rescued from the wild for one reason or another and imprinting on their caretakers.

The connection is lifelong and allows the recipient to feel strong emotions and is possible even if the sentient themselves is not telepathic. Though it won't work on someone incapable of being affected by telepathic/empathic abilities. The longer the bond lasts, the easier it becomes for a sentient to understand the animalistic instinctual impulses and interpret them. Some Al-Leyans have even notated being able to share the owl's sight in some cases. Though those are generally only noted in those who already had telepathic gifts themselves.

Despite their predatory nature Seiuri are actually quite docile and stoic creatures when not hunting. Their vocal expressions are hauntingly beautiful and can be heard for leagues sometimes on calm nights in the valleys.

Kornaj Longfiŝoj (Horned Longfish)

An aquatic animal that inhabits the subtropical coastal regions and is popular for its use in stews and broths.

Dorcha Hōiho

A horse-like creature ridden for recreation.


A felinoid creature similar in appearance to the Terran Lykoi cat (a feline with a wolf-like appearance). Its coat, however is less dense, to compensate for the higher temperatures of the tropical environment where it lives. An unusual feature of these creatures is the glands around the neck that allow it to sweat. Due to the creature’s body chemistry, the sweat it produces is deeply musky. It is the only creature on Leya-I to do do, thus the sweat of these creatures is often used in colognes and perfumes.

They have a deceptively slender form with large paws, which almost seem out of proportion with the rest of its shape. Their eyes are another distinct feature, having a canine appearance rather than the traditional slits felines have. Eye colors range from blue to green to yellow. Like most creatures on Leya-I, they’ve adapted excellent night vision to avoid nocturnal predators.

The planet’s gravity means that these creatures have denser bones and more developed musculature than Terran felines, making even a single swipe of this creature’s paws potentially deadly. Despite the risks, they make surprisingly loyal companions for Al-Leyans and it’s not unheard of for them to develop an an attachment to a particular individual. Though they have no empathic abilities, they are able to discern how a humanoid is feeling through even the subtlest shifts in facial expression, vocalizations and body language.

Native Flora

The plants get their energy during dusk and dawn and use some of the energy to open the leaves when the sun is a bit less overpowering. Al-Leyans would gather fruits, nuts, flowers and leaves etc for food during the night, as well as hunt the other nocturnal wildlife. In the morning the plants leaves would slowly begin to curl back up again as they prepare for the midday blast of heat.

Most of the food that does grow is bland and doesn’t taste of much. Because light is limited, the plants don’t expend so much energy on developing taste/flavour or smell. So the Al-Leyans never developed a strong sense of taste or smell.

Al-Leyans will find most of their enjoyment of food centers around its texture and the aesthetics of it. Another way Al-Leyans make their food more palatable is with sugar and spices. Due to their weak taste buds, they require extremes of these flavors to the point that most species would find Al-Leyan cuisine unappealing or inedible.


A flower with long, vibrant green and red petals and spire-like stems.


A spiral shaped flower of green and gold that opens once a month in the presence of the full moon, releasing its glittering golden spores into the air. Different from most plants, this flower thrives on moonlight rather than sunlight. The spores of this plant are often used to make a wine-like drink that serves as an aphrodisiac and increases the drinker’s chance of conceiving a child. Though this is most often used for females, it has been known to increase male virility as well.


The Al-Leyans operate under a world unitary government. While many of the different nation states on Leya-I have their own councils which may govern local policies, each of these nations subscribes to the global government through the attendance of representatives from each region. The united world government was instated in 1988.

Commerce and Economy

The Al-Leyan monetary system can be confusing to off-worlders as it operates on a nonary system.

Galactic Atlas
