Montreal Officer's Manual/The Crew

< Montreal Officer's Manual
Revision as of 22:31, 3 November 2018 by Mei'konda (talk | contribs) (Added Femi Cattan)
Montreal Officer's Manual


Montreal Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: The Lists
3: Formatting Your Sims
  • II: Montreal 101
4: The Setting
5: The Ship
6: The Crew
  • III: Operating Procedures
7: Missions
8: Shoreleave
9: Mission Proposals
  • IV: Beyond the Basics
10: Promotions
11: OOC Activities
12: Mentoring

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Starfleet officers aboard Montreal wear uniforms displaying the color of their division:

  • Red: Command Division - CO, XO, Intelligence, Diplomacy, Helm
  • Gold: Operations Division - Ops, Engineering, Security/Tactical
  • Blue: Sciences Division - Science, Medical, Counseling

The combadge incorporates Starfleet's current insignia introduced in 2390. In 2395, a new version of the standard duty uniform was introduced. Both versions are authorized for use aboard Montreal, and indeed many officers alternate between versions or even combine accessories such as the previous uniform's jacket with the newer duty uniform's tunic.

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2390s combadge Circa 2390s uniform New 2395 duty uniform

Standard Duty Uniforms

Uniform-Red-2395.png Uniform-Red.png Uniform-Gold-2395.png Uniform-Gold.png
Command Division Operations Division
Uniform-Blue-2395.png Uniform-Teal.png
Sciences Division

Dress Uniforms

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Captain Officer Enlisted

The Crew

Learn more about your new shipmates. Click on an officer's name on the left to display their brief bio on the right. You can click on their names/pictures on the right to access their full biographies.

Command Division:
Sciences Division:
Operations Division:
Meikonda 2022 Icon.png


  • Rank: Commander
  • Duty Post: Commanding Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 37-year-old Caitian male
  • Birthplace: Terra Nova

Born to a scientist mother and a Starfleet father who later disappeared during the Battle of Wolf 359, Mei'konda grew up with stories of his father's heroism and worked hard to make it into Starfleet. He became an ambitious young officer who rose quickly through the ranks, becoming a department head on a large starship by the age of twenty-five. Mei'konda is completely devoted to Starfleet's ideals of peace and exploration, though he can be a little too rigid in his interpretation of regulations. His occasional lack of flexibility has been overlooked by more liberal commanding officers in the past due to his work ethic and intellect.

Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
Lt. Commander
Lael Rosek-Skyfire

Lael Rosek

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: First Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 32-year-old Al-Leyan/Human female
  • Birthplace: Cedar Springs, Michigian, Earth

An expert in her field, Lael graduated from the Daystrom Institute of Technology with a Doctorate of Engineering, Biomechanical specialization. She spent the early part of her career in equal parts as both a Helm officer and an Engineer, serving aboard the Veritas for a year before being offered the Chief Engineer position. After three months in the position, she was given orders to join Commander Mei'konda aboard the Montreal as his first officer. A brief of her dissertation on spinal injury, genetronics and nanotechnology was recently published in the Starfleet Medical Journal. In her spare time, she enjoys active pursuits and is a Jiu-Jitsu coral belt. She also practices Mukhol, an Al-Leyan martial art.

Lieutenant JG
German Galven

German Galven

  • Rank: Lieutenant JG
  • Duty Post: Science Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 37-year-old Denobulan/Human Male
  • Birthplace: Denobula

Due to his sister being abducted by the Borg at an early age, German Galven has taken upon himself before attending the Academy to figure out anything he could do to get her back. His mother is a Quantum Physicist who took German to her science lab and he quickly picked up on it. Through science and willpower German dedicates himself to his work proficiently. He graduated with three majors; Quantum Mechanics, Temporal Mechanics, and Xenobiology. He served on the USS Veritas before being transferred to the USS Montreal under the command of Commander Mei'konda.

Esbrun Vardai

Esbrun Vardai

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Science Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 27-year-old Betazoid Male
  • Birthplace: Thythis Valley, Betazed

Descended from a minority group outside of Betazed's House structure who rarely travel offword, Esbrun studied metallurgy in a local college before a visiting professor suggested he enroll in Starfleet. Finding the Sciences to his liking, but wishing to connect them to his roots Esbrun eventually majored in Materials Science, with an Engineering minor.

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Lt. Commander
Chythar Skyfire

Chythar Skyfire

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief Medical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 39-year-old Human Male
  • Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, Earth

Chythar was born in Seattle, Washington and graduated from University of Washington as a Medical Doctor. Upon entering Starfleet Academy, he took several xenobiology courses and graduated with a science degree in xenobiology. Through most of his career he has held various positions in the medical department, both before and after his time in the red shirt.

Femi Cattan.png
Femi Cattan

Femi Cattan

  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Duty Post: Counselor / Medical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 30-year-old Human Female
  • Birthplace: Thythis Valley, Betazed

Femi was born in Egypt and she always dreamt about helping others in any way possible. After the academy, she started on the USS Za, an explorer ship and she loved it there. She was still an Ensign when she became the CMO. This ship is also where she met the love of her life, Lt. Commander Alexander Williams. It was difficult to leave without him, but she wanted to learn something new again. After the USS Za, she got transferred to the USS Athena where she stayed for a short period and worked as the ACMO. Lastly, she worked on the USS Atlantis as ACMO/Chief of Nursing for one year. She's a very kind, caring person but she can be strict sometimes. Her philosophy is: "caring is the essence of nursing" even if that means being strict. After being in sickbay for such a long time she was ready for something new. Recently she went back to Starfleet Academy to get her Doctors degree and her Psychiatry degree. This transfer gave her the opportunity to use her psychiatric degree. Being the Counselor of a ship will be a big step, but she will try her very best.

Anara Avatar.png
Anara Pallra

Anara Pallra

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Engineer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 32-year-old Bajoran female
  • Birthplace: Bajor

As the daughter of a Bajoran Militia engineer who worked on Deep Space 9 and a prylar in the Bajoran religion, Anara grew up between two worlds. Although it put her at odds with her mother's conservative teachings, she knew from a young age that she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps. Shortly after Bajor became a Federation member, she began attending the University of Bajor on an engineering track. However, her trips to DS9 had also given her a sense of wonder for the rest of the galaxy, and she used the opportunity that Federation citizenship afforded to apply to Starfleet Academy. Anara's engineering courses on Bajor allowed her to take several command and combat classes beyond the standard electives, although she expects to put her passion for engineering to good use before she ever uses that knowledge. Following graduation and a cadet cruise, Anara is excited to finally receive her first posting: The USS Montreal.

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Jacob Harkrow

Jacob Harkrow

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Engineer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 31-year-old Human Male
  • Birthplace:

Jacob "Cob" Harkrow grew up on the Federation colony world of Markab Prime, the son of second-generation settlers. He left to join Starfleet at age 19, eager to experience life beyond the quiet, isolated settlement at the edge of Federation space. He performed well at the Academy but not exceptionally so, graduating from the Division of Arts and Sciences with specialization in biology and side-specializations in cybernetics and agriculture. His assignment to the USS Montreal is his first posting.

Tal Tel-ar

Tal Tel-ar

  • Rank: Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief of Security
  • Age/Species/Sex: 49-year-old Andorian Male
  • Birthplace: Unknown

Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar may be an Andorian but he is one with no family or clan connections to his people. In fact his name given to him by the Kethni Council on Andor following his rescue from a primitive pre-industrial world as a teen was Tal Tel-ar which translates as "Outcast, Renegade, One who has been Banished". No Andorian will have any reaction to him except negative. Given to Starfleet once the Andorian government had finished civilizing the barbarian he was warned to never set foot on Andor again. Since he graduated from the Academy he has been a member of Starfleet, always the outsider, almost more Vulcan than a Vulcan in some ways but capable of incredible acts of violence and strength. Nicknamed Big Blue by others he remains to this day a stoic, rock, normally unshaken by anything and willing to risk it all in the name of duty and honor.

Skylar Noland

Skylar Noland

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Tactical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 34-year-old Human Male
  • Birthplace: Martin City, Missouri, Earth

A recent graduate of Starfleet Academy with emphasized studies in Tactical Ops and Science, he formerly obtained a degree from the University Of Montana in Galactic History with a minor in Applied Sciences. Aside from a year "backpacking" the starlanes and his stint at Starfleet Academy he has been Earthside his entire life where he competed in both Go and Chess.

Tkatt dugoras.jpg
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Kawakame Shin

Kawakame Shin

  • Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Duty Post: Security/Tactical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 33-year-old Human Male
  • Birthplace: Koyoto, Japan, Earth

Shin is an outspoken and somewhat grossly overconfident person but in times of crisis has proven himself to be a flexible and trustworthy officer. He served on the USS Wyoming for three years where he got his first promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Not long into serving as an LTJG he was offered a position as a Security/Tactical officer on board the USS Montreal, which was assigned to a very unique area of space known as the Shoals. With a natural inclination to explore and a fascination with new discoveries he quickly agreed to the new assignment, hoping it would lead him to great adventures.

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