Walter Brunsig/Skarbek

< Walter Brunsig
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Walter Brunsig is currently the commander of the ship Skarbek, and the Maquis resistance cell named for it He is a human in his mid forties and abrupt, gruff, sarcastic, downright rude... and incredibly good at his job.

Brunsig (Maquis) 2.png
Walter Brunsig
Full Name Walter Marten Brunsig
Position Captain
Species Human
Gender Male
Date of Birth 8th November
Age Mid-Forties
Birthplace Cochem, Germany, Earth


  • Height: 1.89m (6'2'')
  • Build: Broad and muscular.
  • Carriage: Long strides with lots of momentum
  • Handedness: Right-handed.
  • Hair Colour: Blond.
  • Length of Hair: Short.
  • Eye Colour: Blue.
  • Skin Tone: Fair.
  • Voice: Baritone, with a faded German accent.
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None that he's showing you.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Earth casual; shirts, slacks.
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None.


Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Music: Walter is an accomplished violist, though it is a hobby that has fallen by the wayside since joining the Maquis.
  • Fitness: Since the academy, Walter has been a student of Lerdrit, and practices regularly. He also keeps in condition by lifting weights and running.
  • Literature: A voracious reader, he is always part-way through at least one book at any given time, and his reading list is composed of authors from across the Federation.

Likes and Dislikes

  • Likes:
    • Music: Having played since he was young, music is an integral part of Walter's life.
    • Drinking: Preferably alone, he enjoys a good brandy or whiskey.
  • Dislikes:
    • Social Situations: Hell is other people.

Living Quarters

Walter travels light and keeps very little in the way of personal effects in his quarters. The furnishings are all standard-issue and he has made no effort to personalise his living space beyond the addition of a few decorations. A print of Vincent van Gogh's "The Starry Night" hangs on one wall, complemented by a "Starry Night Over the Rhone" on another. A pair of sturdy, post-eventualist, pre-Matoian sculptures from Bajor sit on a corner table by the sofa.

Working Areas

Walter usually works out of his quarters on the Skarbek.



  • Marital Status: Widower.
  • Number of children: None.
  • Father: Marten Brunsig
  • Mother: Annalise Keller
  • Step-Father: Daniel Wolff
  • Sister: Emilie Brunsig (deceased)



Valen Carys
Wife (Deceased)

A member of the Maquis, Carys and Walter met shortly after he had defected. They fell in love, and married in a traditional Bajoran ceremony. She was killed about six months ago.



Rhys Bejain

Once a member of the Bajoran Resistance, then a Starfleet officer, and then back to resistance work again -- this time through the Maquis -- it was Bejain who recruited Walter to the cause.
