Doyle-A Crew History/Intel Division

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Doyle-A Crew History
Command Division Operations Division Sciences Division Medical Division Marine Regiment Intel Division Civilian Contingent
Complete Crew History
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Starfleet Intelligence
Chief Intelligence Officer
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Aidoann Danara 239204.09 - 239301.18
LOA 239301.18
Intelligence Officer
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Lieutenant JG
Lan Riel 239302.15 - 239307.13
Transferred from the USS Apollo-A. Demoted in Disciplinary 239307.04
Transferred to the USS Athena.
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X'al Empic! F'ren 239211.16 - 239211.30
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Lieutenant Commander
Kieranprofile small.png
Collim Kieran 239205.03 - 239207.20
Transferred from USS Excalibur-A. Went on LOA. Transferred to the USS Apollo-A
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Lieutenant JG
Aidoann Danara 239204.02 - 239204.09
From Launch. Promoted.

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