Awarded concurrently for development of a long-elusive proof exploring the mathematical relationship between subspace fluctuations and aberrations in the life-cycles of stars.
"Lt. Jackford Kolk is a very capable engineer and works well in that role. However, he has recently branched out extensively, working on numerous side-projects for myself and others. In recognition of this off-duty work, he is being awarded the Neelix Award." -Captain Idril Mar
Rewarded to any officer in the fleet who has made a consistent effort to enter each of the bi-monthly writing challenges. Most notably, the officer must have continued participation even if their submissions were not picked as the winner, thus sticking with the challenge and always giving others something exciting to read.
"I'd like to say that Mr. Kolk deserves this promotion to Lt. Commander. Unfortunately I cannot. ::smirking:: For to say that he only deserves this promotion would be to do him a disservice. Despite all of the turmoil in his life, including dealing with an alternate dimensional version that continues to plague him, he has maintained the efforts at bringing this ship together. For this, I am awarding him the B-Plot Award. As we have gone through the stars, his efforts in speaking to and documenting some of the more interesting races has earned him the Nebula Bar. And finally, in deference to his ability to think on his feet and solve a surprising number of problems, despite numerous reports that he never actually spent time in engineering... ::chuckling:: he is awarded the Scotty Cross. Very well done... Commander." -Captain Ben Walker
"I've known Mr. Kolk since he first arrived on the Ronin. During that time he has moved up through the ranks, and is now in the unenviable position of my First Officer. ::chuckling:: But you all already know that. What you may not know is the amount of time and effort Mr. Kolk applies in the background, keeping the ship running smoothly, getting the reports together, speaking individually to the departments to reduce the stresses of the job, and that's just the things that I am aware of! Which is why I am honored to present to him this award: The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement, Second Class, also known as TOSMA-Two." -Captain Ben Walker
"Lt. Jackford Kolk is a very capable engineer and works well in that role. However, he has recently branched out extensively, working on numerous side-projects for myself and others. In recognition of this off-duty work, he is being awarded the Neelix Award." -Captain Idril Mar
"The role of ship's counselor is not one that should be easily overlooked. Throughout the fleet, these dedicated officers show great skill and patience as they protect the mental health of their crewmates who encounter difficult situations whilst on deep space assignment away from old friends and family for long periods of time. What is always harder, however, is when we lose those friends we have made amongst our own crew. Recently, on a mission to the planet Rakis, the USS RONIN suffered some of the most terrible losses of 2385. Yet Lieutenant Karynn Ehlanii helped her colleagues through, instigating group counseling sessions and clearly demonstrating superior ability to care, assist, and comfort those in need. Lieutenant, if you would join me on stage, we wish to recognize your determination, dedication and hard work with the Order of the Valiant Heart." ~Fleet Captain Rocar, 2008 Awards Ceremony
"Karynn Ehlanni has constantly shared with us her own and our own secrets, parts of her life that don't necessarily deal with duty hours. For that, she is receiving the B-Plot Award." ~Captain Mar
"She has been instrumental in the researching and recording of several new species over the last year. For this, she is additionally being awarded the Nebula Bar." ~Captain Mar
"Very few officers display both the devotion to crew, seeing to their well-being, giving aid to those in need, inquiring after their health, always willing to lend a hand when asked. This officer has gone beyond the extra and their deeds are both welcomed, heartfelt, and diligent. This officer is familiar to us all. This officer, has always been a bright and shining star and is, at least in my opinion, one of the best officers I've had the pleasure of serving with." ~Commander David Cody
"Lieutenant Commander Ehlanii, it is my honor to present you with the TOSMA I, for your dedication to not only the Independence. You always contribute good solid ideas for our missions and your work is always excels in quality. You are an essential member of the Independence and I am honored to have you at my side." ~ Fleet Captain Riley
"Commander, you are also receiving the Silver Palm for your ability to boost our spirits throughout our long missions. Your demeanor is one to be emulated and your calm ability to inspire us with your attitude is appreciated." ~ Fleet Captain Riley
Awarded to a person that was involved in the Joint Mission of the Kodiak, Independence and Triumphant in the IC93 System. Or, the Summer Blockbuster Mission involving the bombing of DS17 and the theft of USS Phoenix. This ribbon will serve as a reminder that, whenever possible, peace is the best option.