Rinascita Research Station

Rinascita Research Station is a decommisioned science station that- according to official records- specialised in water reclamation. Decommisioned after the destruction of the USS Resolution and the discovery of illegal experiments being carried out, it was a civilian outpost outside of Starfleet's chain of command. However, Starfleet Intelligence had an undercover operative embedded within the crew complement. It was located within The Borderlands.

Rinascita Research Station


The main body of Rinascita Station consisted of a short spire that flared out at the bottom to a thick circular section. Four stellar sails extended from this circular section and provided energy derived from the background radiation of the cosmos. It bore some similarities to Starfleet outpost designs from the mid 23rd century.

Onboard the station there was a security office, a hydroponics laboratory, several science labs as well a shuttle bay. The station also had transporter technology.

The Rinascita Station Incident

In 2398, the USS Resolution under the temporary command of Acting Captain Genkos Adea responded to a distress call from the station, only to find claims that it had been a false alarmed. Suspicious, an away team went to the station to double check everything was fine, while Adea and Acting First Officer Yogan Yalu offered a tour of Resolution's science labs to the head of the station's science team- Ben Packham.

The away teams on the station quickly uncover evidence of sabotage and illegal experimentation into Carol Marcus' forbidden Genesis technology. A cabal of Suliban hijack the station, having learnt of the Genesis technology- intent on terraforming their barren homeworld. While the away team's fight for survival, Doctor Rackham has the Genesis technology beamed to the Resolution where he reveals that he is in fact an agent of Starfleet Intelligence known as Liam Wyke.

Wyke arms the Genesis device and the Resolution is evacuated before it crashes onto a nearby asteroid, creating a new Genesis planet. The Suliban agents withdraw having failed in their assignments and the survivors of the Resolution and the Rinascita Station scientists are rescued by the USS Carpathia.


Starfleet sends a dedicated science team to study the new Genesis planet, which appears to be stable. Rinascita Research Station is deactivated and decommisioned; it's materials are turned over to Starfleet Intelligence for analysis. Several members of the station's complement are prosecuted under Federation law for illegal and unethical experimentation.

The crew of the USS Resolution are sent to recuperate on Risa and to await the decision of tribunal examining the events surrounding the destruction of the Resolution. The crew are cleared of any dereliction of duty charges and are assigned to the USS Excalibur-A.