Rekar III

Serellan Sector
Trinity Sector
Jenatris Cloud Sector
(Sector 118 map)
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence

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Rekar system Star  · I  · II  · III  · IV  · V


  • it's orbit is approximately 117 million km from it's star
  • it is an earth like planet with a diameter of 13,539.2 km (8,462 miles).
  • a density of 6.4 and a gravity of 1.24 G's
  • a standard type atmosphere with a pressure of about 1.1 earth normal with nitrogen 67%, oxygen 29% and others 4%
  • axial tilt of 18%
  • temperatures are extremely earth like but tend to be on the milder side with less extreme heat waves or cold snaps
  • surface water over 46% of the planets surface
  • it has a 27 hour day
  • it's year is 269 days long
  • predominate terrain type is rolling grasslands with forests


  • unknown at this time, as the only known survey was conducted by the Romulans


  • it has 2 small moons and 1 medium moon
  • Rekar IIIa: is 755 km (472 miles) in diameter, with a density of 5.1 and a gravity of 0.05 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 32,058 km. (20,036 miles)
  • Rekar IIIb: is 2,954 km (1,846 miles) in diameter, with a density of 5.6 and a gravity of 0.23 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 33,848 km. (21,155 miles)
  • Rekar IIIc: is 1,038 km (649 miles) in diameter, with a density of 4.7 and a gravity of 0.06 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 37,974 km. (23,734 miles)


A very long time ago, during the original migration of what would become the Romulan race to their new homeworld, one of the ships became separated from the rest due to mechanical problems caused by a strange spacial abnomalie. These problems caused them to drift far off course. Their communications system was to badly damaged to repair.

Finally they were forced to make a landing on the closest Class M planet they could reach. This landing was on Rekar III. They crashed onto the surface of the planet. In the aftermath of the crash they lost 16% of their people due to various factors. They might have lost a lot more if the natives had not been able to overcome their fears and seeing these strange people were in trouble came to their aid.

This aid included medicine, food and help building shelters and planting their first crops. From the very start both races seemed to find aspects in the other that fostered a true friendship. This peaceful initial meeting blossomed into full cooperative contact with technology, skills and food sources being freely traded back and forth.

It was not long before this contact resulted in intermarrage between the two races. Now after so many years their is no longer two races, only one.


After so many years of intermixing the Rekarian people have on average between 18% and 26% Romulan DNA mixed into their genetic make up. While they do faintly resemble normal Romulans what with the pointed ears, straight eyebrows and height they also could not be mistaken for a Romulan either.

Most Rekarians have on average 8% to 11% more muscle mass. Their eye's are mostly amber in color and their skin tones are darker as well. On the average they tend to be a mix of dark tan to milk chocolat brown in skin color.

Males tend to have light brown hair with various degrees in reddish tints mixed in. They like to wear it long but tie it back in a pony tail. The females never tie their hair back and seem to have even lighter shades with a few blondes mixed in.


Over the years a new religion has evolved. One based on peace, friendship and helping those in need. One that encourages family development, conservation and care of the planet as well as a limitation or ban on the use of any tecnology that would violate any of their basic beliefs.


The weather is very mild with no true extremes of heat waves or cold snaps. Most storms are mild with a few thunderstorms which are trully spectacular to watch with lots of chain and ball lightning.

However a few extremely violent storms do sometimes form far out to sea. These storms are a mix or rain, lightning and high force winds rangeing in speeds from 90 km to a staggering 180 km.


Their is no dangerous form of native life. They do have a wide and varied selection of native lifeforms. These include animals, birds and fish. It also includes about 30 various different type of animals and birds that have been domesticated for food, wool, work or as pets.


They have a well developed planetary economy and trade excess food and raw materials to the Romulans for those luxury goods they can not creat themselves and which their personal beliefs and religion consider acceptable.


For the most part communities are carefully controled and regulated. Their are no true cities on Rekar III, but their are literally thousands of towns and almost quadruple that number of villages. Towns seldom have a population in excess of 50,000 while villages are usually smaller than 10,000 in number.


Their are approximately 3.5 billion Rekarians.