Ocedra | |
Astronomical | |
Region | Outlying Territories |
Sector | Harkanon Sector |
System | Delica system |
Sun(s) | 1: Delik |
Moon(s) | 0 |
Class | P |
Physical | |
Diameter | |
Atmosphere | |
Hydrosphere | |
Climate | Arid, frigid |
Gravity | 0.78G |
Primary terrain | Barren glaciers, mountains, ice canyons, fjords, frozen oceans |
Length of Day | 15h |
Length of Year | 754d |
Native species | 15000 Caraadians, Valcarians |
Societal | |
Affiliation | |
Government | organized crime family |
Valcarian Empire | Economics • the Fringe • Geography • Items • People • Species • Recreation • Society Neighbouring Regions • Associated Ships |
Delica system | Star • Belt I • Belt II • Belt III • I • II |
Ocedra is an Outlying Territories planet in the Delica system. Its name in Old Renaaran means "home or safe place," which is what the planet is to some of the unsavory elements that come to the Delica system.
Points of interest
Cialnar Cove, Rianim's Emporium, Elondra's Point, Vaemir Mountain, Aheli Mountains, Falia, Falia Major Sea, Falia Minor Sea