Kevin Breeman Simming Statistics
Presented below are tag flow graphs.
What is a Tag Flow Graph?
A tag flow graph is a graph connecting characters to one another with edges weighted according to the number of posts where the given two characters are tagging one another. That is, if character A is tagging character B or character B is tagging character A 10 times, while characters C and D are tagging one another less times then the weight (thickness) of the edge (line) between characters A and B will be larger than the weight between C and D.
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
July 2012
August 2012
I've decided to stop posting the line graphs for now because I fear it will give away too much information (email addresses) that could violate rights to privacy. So I'm just keeping with the tag graphs for now.