Aitas' Quarters

During the later part of her time on StarBase 118 Ops, Aitas purchased a housing complex located in the Shi'Kahr District of the Starbase 118 Commercial Sector. This allowed for both additional space for herself and her son and increased privacy given her position as Chief Intelligence Officer. The two-story building of Vulcan style consisted of four units, all enclosing a central courtyard. Each of these units contained several bedrooms, a kitchen, dining area, and living room. Aitas only used one of the units, with another being intended for her father and the others set aside for the use of guests.

The interior of the home was decorated in a mixture of Vulcan and Betazoid styles. Clean, efficient designs accented with the occasional ornate piece of cloth or furniture as accent. Pictures of landscapes from Risa and Betazed decorated the walls. Most rooms contained a few candles or Vulcan meditation lamps to assist with meditation and ambiance. The temperature was kept slightly lower than most of the district, on the cool side to a Vulcan but relatively warm to those of most other species.

Fureri, an Eccian construct and a gift from Jakarn. It was usually about the house and often remained still enough to be mistaken for a statue.