Search results

  • ...not meet his father, who had separated from his mother and moved on before Ar’Gorvalei was born. He was raised by his mother and his two uncles, Ky-Tyras and Ky-D Ar’Gorvalei’s mother was a music teacher, and Ar’Gorvalei received vocal lessons. His uncle Ky-Tyras worked as a technician and his o
    10 KB (1,506 words) - 03:02, 2 January 2023
  • ...oped. LtCmdr Quentin Collins, Lieutenant JG Jacin Ayemet and Lieutenant JG Ar’Gorvalei work on a solution to render the matter inert, but the compound would have ...gravity on the mothership, causing havoc to Sheliak and Breen alike. LtJG Ar’Gorvalei and LtJG Jacin deploy the metagene antidote to neutralize the weapon as a S
    7 KB (1,209 words) - 15:04, 1 July 2022
  • ...odan, along with Lieutenant Chloe Waters, Lieutenant JG Alvarez and Ensign Ar’Gorvalei head to the shuttle bay to launch their only long range shuttle - the Type ...hey attempt to study the odd connection between jungle and native species. Ar’Gorvalei synthesises a medicine to hopefully cure his and Rodan spore infection, and
    9 KB (1,425 words) - 15:04, 1 July 2022
  • ...bbon=Captain's Commendation|RibbonName=Captain's Commendation|Characters=[[Ar’Gorvalei]]}} .../>[[Artinus Serinus]]<br />[[R'Ariel]]<br />[[Charlotte DeBarres]]<br />[[Ar’Gorvalei]]<br />[[Quentin Collins]]<br />[[Ash MacKenna]]}}
    27 KB (3,067 words) - 18:09, 23 April 2024
  • ...lower-decks-lieutenant-jg-argorvalei-uss-arrow/ Lower Decks: Lieutenant JG Ar’Gorvalei, USS Arrow]
    9 KB (811 words) - 07:41, 19 January 2023