Ga'ter Outer Asteroid Belt

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Mariah Sector
Ga'ter Sector
Valeria Sector
  • unknown
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
  • unknown
Federation Presence
  • unknown

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Ga'ter system Star  · I  · II  · III  · IV  · Belt I  · Belt II


  • they orbit there star at approximately 743 to 745 million km
  • there are C-Type asteroids mixed in with the majority of S-type asteroids. These asteroids are dark, low reflective, with brittle bodies made of fine opaque material and hydrated (water-rich) minerals
  • there are M-Type asteroids mixed in with the majority of S-type asteroids. These asteroids have nickel/iron compositions and other rare types of metals. Any of these may have useable amounts of ice on the surface or within them
  • most of these asteroids are S-Type asteroids and have a stony, iron composition
  • see Asteroid Data for more information


This asteroid field contains a wide variety of useable minerals in reasonable amounts


This mining operation is controled by one of the largest tribes on Ga'ter, the Ki'var. It produses a large amount of heavy and industrial metals. Any other materials they produse are usually in more limited amounts.

Mining Platform

The mining platform in use here is actually the second one. The first one was identical to that still in use within the inner asteroid field. It was taken out of service almost 50 years ago as it was considered to be too slow and time consumeing for use. It is now floating lifeless next to the inner asteroid field. They use it for spare parts.

The current platform in use is actually 2 independent facilities. Each is about half the size of the old station taken out of service. This one does not seperate into smaller pieces when it's time to be moved.

Due to it's being a much newer facility useing more advanced technology and a more efficent design they usually operate with a crew of around 350. They can house up to 500 for a limited time. They also has 5 different types of small support craft assigned to them. These craft are 1) prospector (they have 4 of these), 2) tug (they have 8 of these), 3) mining (they have 13 of these), 4) repair (they have 4 of these) and 5)messanger (they have 2 of these)