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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code CH'N
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Ch'n Prime
Encountered EXC: "Strange New Worlds"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level P
List of Named Ch'ns

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The Ch'n are a humanoid species from the Afehirr sector.

Home System

See also: Ch'n system

Home World

See also: Ch'n Prime

Ch'n Prime is a small, hot world located closer to the system's sun than most other living races in other systems. It is located in the Afehirr Sector of the Beta quadrant.

Known for large expanses of deserts, the people live and work underground, where they export minerals and metals, along with gems and specialty foods and spices known only to exist on this world.

Ch'n Prime - Non-habitable Planet Surface



Ch'n is ruled by five powerful families each in control of a specific area of the planet. For the last century they have managed to keep their homeworld in peace. However the situation remains tense as the oligarchs in power are always trying to gain more territory over their neighbors.


The Ch'n tend to be short and bulky. They have a poor eyesight (but nowadays this can be enhanced thanks to technology) but have a well developed tactile perception. This is a heritage form the time, in their distant past, where their ancestors resolved to living in the cave systems of their planet.


Due to the proximity to the star, the skin of Ch'n people is thick and more leathery than other life forms. Known for large expanses of deserts, the people live and work underground (resulting in pale skin), where they export minerals and metals, along with gems and specialty foods and spices known only to exist on this world.



Due to the harshness of their planet and the near impossibility to live outside, the Ch'n believe in the forces of nature. Now that they have reached a high level of technology, this system of belief is often seen as a form of superstition. Yet, depending of which region they live, the Ch'n will often worship one animal deity or another.



The Ch'n society is relatively fragmented since each geographical region is controlled by a powerful family. They have all nonetheless agreed on keeping themselves to themselves. Although a few Ch'n live on Erscyne Station, and traders go there regularly, the population shows no real interest for what's out there in space. This could be a trait developed by the fact that they live underground and seldom see the sky.




The Ch'n now enjoy a high level of technology. The cave networks they have built for themselves look very much like the living areas and working places we can find on modern space stations. There is however a growing call for nature, and large areas of caves are sometime left untouched.


There is no military system on Ch'n. Each oligarch family runs their own private security organization.

Federation Intelligence Files


This is an original Starbase 118 species created by the crew of the USS Excalibur-A.