
Revision as of 23:08, 15 August 2024 by Zenno (talk | contribs) (Still initial creation)

Ensign Saava is a 26 year old Vulcan currently serving as a nurse on board the USS White Pine.

USS White Pine
Position Nurse
Rank Ensign
Species Vulcan
Gender Female
DOB 237511.09
Age 26
Birthplace City Of Kir, Vulcan

Physical Characteristics

Saava appears as a typical Vulcan in most respects.

Height: 5'11" (1.80 m)
Weight: 154 lbs (70 kg)
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Handedness: Right


Quarters: USS White Pine, Junior Officer's Quarters
Religion/Spiritual Devotion: As expected, Saava is a follower of Surak's philosophy.
Hobbies and Pastimes: Saava has always had an interest in nutrition and health. This led her to studing nursing at Starfleet Academy. When dining with her, you can expect commentary on your food selections. She is also an avid player of Parrises Squares and played competitively in school and continues to do so. She also follows several amateur and professional leagues and has made journeys to see major tournaments.
Likes: New cuisines and foods, health and fitness, sports, nutrition discussions. She would almost always prefer a group activity due to her social needs.
Dislikes: Solitude. Saava is exceptionally social for a Vulcan and finds being with groups of others stimulating. This is perhaps due to her cloistered upbringing.
Temperament: While adhering to Vulcan norms, Saava might sometimes be considered an instigator. She will make logical observations in groups that are sometimes meant to evoke a response from others. To those who are familiar to her, this is taken in stride. However due to her Vulcan delivery and mannerisms, she often gets into trouble socially with new people when she does this.


  • T'Vin, Mother, Business Owner, resides in City of Kir, Vulcan
  • Saavin, Father, Business Owner, resides in City of Kir, Vulcan
  • Sevik, Older Brother, Artist, resides in City of Kir, Vulcan


  • Zenno, Bolian Male, Fiancée, Starfleet Academy Classmate, USS Khitomer
  • Doctor Selenka, Chief Medical Officer of the USS White Pine
  • Vratak, Ensign, Saurian Male, Starfleet Academy Classmate, Security Division, Starbase 88.
  • Grall, Ensign, Tellarite Male, Starfleet Academy Classmate, Security Division, Starbase 88.
Personal History
Personal History


Coming Soon.


  • Date Graduated from Academy: 239607.03
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Current Assignment: Nurse
  • Duty Post: USS White Pine

Service Record

Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet 2396 - 2400 Starfleet Academy Nursing Student
  Ensign 240006.12 - Present USS White Pine Nurse