Memory Book/Aine Sherlock (Jared Sherlock)

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I am Jared, the real, Sherlock. At the time of this entry I turned 42 years old six days prior. I'm lucky in that I got to turn my hobbies into a career of sorts. Currently I've been doing a lot of teaching in handtool woodworking and flintknapping. I'm also currently working with two non-profits in Monongahela, PA (where I live) where I advise on restoration, preservation, and improvement to my community.


Real Life information

In addition to writing, I have a multitude of other hobbies. Building model kits, 3D modeling, graphic design, tool making, knifesmithing, gunsmithing, cooking, bushcraft, leatherworking, are all but just a few of my current hobbies. In the past I used to participate, semi-professionally, in extreme sports. From paragliding and competitive rock climbing to racing Superbike, Supersport, and Motorcyle Gran Prix to big wave surfing. I'm also chronically career non-focused and I've rarely stayed at one job for more than a couple years with just two exceptions: pharma for 3.5 years and stained glass for 5 years.

How you came to UFOP: SB118

December of 2020. The Covid-19 Pandemic was in full swing for 9 months at that point. During a re-watch of TNG I was talking to my partner about how when I was younger, in the back of Star Trek magazines, there were adds for these roleplaying groups in which you would write letters to one another. My parents never let me do it because I was too young. But I wondered if anything like that existed. After some searching I'd come across a few, but none seemed really active. The next day, I looked again and came across SB118's wiki. A common draw that I've since learned for many writers here. I took one night to think about it and nervously sent in my application on a Saturday, started my Academy week the very next Monday. A week later, it was a Sunday, when I got word I had graduated. I also just happened to click the chat link on the forum and was quickly welcomed by Wolf and told we were just starting the monthly fleet chat and to jump right in. I was assigned to the USS Resolution, who was starting their next mission that very day.


  • Where were you first placed? The USS Resolution, my first love, Captained by then Fleet Captain Kali Nicholotti.
  • What have been your greatest challenges in this group? I feel the biggest challenge was self confidence. Outside of 118, and writing, I have a lot of confidence in almost everything I do. But writing, especially with others, was a huge hurdle for me.
  • What have been your greatest achievements in this group? There's really two things. First is more personal achievement, second is more community focused. This came very early. I'd only been a part of the community for 6 months and we were into awards season. Every day there was a post on the forum and I was anxiously watching. Then the Duty Post awards happened, and I was out that day. I get back home to multiple messages congratulating me. So I knew what that meant, I'd won the Yar Pin. To me, that meant that I was writing my character right and in a way that others appreciated. The other thing I feel I've accomplished has been as a mentor. Two people in particular I felt I had a positive impact on. Just a couple days before writing this, I was able to tell one of them that, since their promotion to Lieutenant, the ship staff and I felt they didn't need me anymore. That kind of progress for them made me feel a certain sense of pride.
  • What do you hope to ultimately accomplish? I'm just trying to keep my board steady. I don't feel that I have the same lofty goals as others. More that I prefer to just accept the challenges that fall at my feet. Where that will lead me? I don't know. But I'm excited to see where it goes.
  • Where do you see this group in five years? Given that I've seen one new ship launch in my 3.5 years here, and that by the numbers I'm seeing in the fleet, I predict another within the next 6 months to a year, I imagine we're going to keep growing and possibly have 2 more ships. The numbers just keep rising!
  • How do you think this group has contributed to Star Trek's legacy? How has the group contributed to the internet community? In learning of this groups history, and knowing that the Trek Renaissance only started about the time I started, I feel it's kept the flame alive in the great in-betweens. We've set an example for others to follow when it comes to internet communities. And I'm sure the writers for Trek will keep borrowing from us...I see you!...which is alright, they know who the best are.