Giria Palnin

Revision as of 01:28, 7 April 2023 by Doz Finch (talk | contribs)

Glinn Giria Palnin is a taunting, sly and particularly vain Cardassian, whose love for the military comes second only to her love for herself. Her striking beauty has always been her first weapon of choice, playing a critical part in her ambitious goals to climb the ranks as far as she possibly can. A keen interrogator, she enjoys confusing her victims by distracting their senses with strong scents, bright lights and a false sense of security. She considers herself "Very clever" and a "Genius on Cardassia", but this strength is also her weakness, as her reputation among the troopers and other Obsidian members is less than desirable.

Cardassian Union
Full Name Giria Palnin
Position Glinn, Obsidian Order Expeditionary Force
Species Cardassian
Gender Female
Birthplace Cardassia Prime
Fate Presumed dead


Glinn Giria Palnin - The Presidential Suite, The Lockup,Death Wish, Spiders in the Garden, Horseplay, A Question of Beauty, Caught In-Between (Fight the Power - USS Gorkon)

Behind the Scenes

  • Giria Palnin is an MSPNPC written by Doz Finch.
  • This character exists only in the "Skarbek Universe" of the USS Gorkon.
  • She was created as part of the Skarbek plot "Fight the Power" on the USS Gorkon.