Gorkon Quote of the Month

Revision as of 04:55, 3 October 2022 by Tahna Meru (talk | contribs) (updated for July and August winners)

From month to month, the Gorkon hosts a poll regarding their favourite quotes from the crew of writers on board. Entrant quotes are collected by the Quote of the Month Facilitator and a poll is created. Once a winning quote is chosen by vote, the Facilitator organises the creation of a special badge to honour the occasion.

Hall of Fame

All our previous winners are below:






How-To Guide for Faciliators

Every month, your responsibility is to choose one amusing quote per writer to enter into the running — as it's per writer, the quote itself needs to be from the writer's characters and submitted sims from throughout that month.

On the 1st of the month, create a new poll in the General Discussion forum and add in each of the quotes as the poll options. You can add some flair with a description of your own, but the title should retain the same format of "Ship - Quote of the Month YEAR - Month", e.g. USS Gorkon - Quote of the Month 2399 - January.

Distribute the poll to the ship by the Gorkon's OOC Google Group and via the Gorkon's Discord channel, using the tag @gorkon.

On the 15th of the month, close the poll down and prep the winning special badge. This can be any flavour you like as a facilitator and there are many examples above of what has been done before. You should then upload the badge to the wiki with the title "YEARMONTH GORKON QOTM CHARNAME.png", e.g. 239506 GORKON QOTM TASI.png. You can then add it to this page under the relevant year heading.

Then, announce the winner to the group via the same method as above, and also posting the winning entry alongside the newly created badge to the Funny Things Heard on the Gorkon quote group. This ensures we have a running collection of the quotes on the forum.

If you have any questions about doing this, please ask the Command Staff and we will be happy to help.