Safe Harbor

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Safe Harbor
Stellar Cartography
Region Sagittarius Reach
Sector Vermall
System Aldon
Sun(s) 1 (Aldon)
Moon(s) 0
Orbital Radius 1.23 AU
Eccentricity 0.0083
Class M
Diameter 9,450 km
Atmosphere Nitrogen/Oxygen
Hydrosphere Subterranean
Climate Temperate
Blackbody Temp 238 K (-34.15 °C)
Gravity 0.95 g
Primary terrain Flat grasslands
Points of interest Location of the Order of the Lost Explorers
Length of Day 26 hours
Length of Year 340 days
Native species Losarian
Other species Kavolian, Sopressian
Official Language Multiple
Population 42
Technological Classification M
Major cities Safe Harbor
Imports None
Exports None
Affiliation Order of the Lost Explorers
Government Representative Democracy

Safe Harbor (officially Aldon IV according to Losarian records) is an Class-M planet in the Aldon system of the Sagittarius Reach. It is a planet settled by the Order of the Lost Explorers, calling their colony "Safe Harbor". [1]. The planet is mostly undeveloped. The agrarian Safe Harbor is the only settled area on the surface of Aldon IV. The Aldon system is dangerously close to the Galactic Barrier at approximately 2,500,000 km from the barrier.

  1. Just Another Day at Safe Harbor Governor Reidella, as written by Lieutenant Commander Anath G'Renn, 239609.20