Astraeus Specifications


  • Name: USS Astraeus (Greek Titan of the Dusk)
  • Registry: NCC-70652
  • Class: Galaxy class
  • Category: Explorer
  • Motto: “Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul. And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all.” - Emily Dickenson
  • Length: 648.33 meters
  • Width: 461.21 meters
  • Height: 195.98 meters
  • Mass: 4,705,505 metric tons
  • Number of Decks: 42


  • Complement: 1,167
    • Officers: 350
    • Enlisted: 690
    • Civilians: 127
  • Evacuation Capacity: Approximately 15,000

Crew Support Systems

  • Medical: Primary sickbay located in the saucer section, with multiple wards, surgical suites, intensive-care units (ICU), biohazard support, morgue and several medical laboratories, equipped with specialized equipment for researching pandemic-scale medical events. Secondary sickbay located in the stardrive section with similar, if slightly smaller facilities.
  • Holographic Support: Emergency Medical Holographic Emitters installed in all medical facilities, as well as important crew gathering locations, such as Ten Forward, the Bridge, Engineering, and others.
  • Education: Nursery, K-12 classrooms, and others. Some facilities for university and Starfleet training for acting Ensigns are available.
  • Recreational: 16 holodecks (25 man capacity), mess hall, crew lounge, gymnasium and additional reconfigurable recreational halls.


  • Warp Engines: One 1,500+ Cochrane warp core feeding two AX-81 advanced linear warp drive units
  • Quantum Slipstream Drive: Yes; limited use for emergencies and long range travel only.
  • Impulse Engines: Three FIG 6 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units, two located on the saucer section, one on the stardrive section.
  • Speed:
    • Cruising: Warp 7
    • Maximum Sustainable Cruise: Warp 9.75
    • Maximum / Emergency: Warp 9.985 for 12 hours
  • Computer System: LCARS, Class XIX Bioneural processing units, three independent computer cores


  • Expected Duration: 100 years
  • Resupply Cycle: 1 year
  • Minor Refit Cycle: 5 years
  • Standard Refit Cycle: 10 years
  • Major Refit Cycle: 20 years


  • Beam Weapons:
    • Fourteen Type XII collimated phaser arrays. One array is located on the stardrive section and can only be used when the ship is separated.
  • Torpedo Launchers:

Three Mk 95 pulse-fire torpedo tubes. One rearward-facing launcher is located on the saucer section and can only be fired when the ship is separated.

  • Payload: 200 quantum torpedoes fore, 100 aft.

Defensive Systems

10 high capacity, regenerative oscillating subspace graviton field grids with recursive response analysis.

  • Armor Type: 16 cm ablative armor

Transporter Systems

  • Personnel: 8 transporter rooms with a 6 man capacity per transporter.
  • Cargo: 6 cargo transporters with a 5 metric ton capacity per transport.

Cargo Systems

  • Total Capacity: Mission dependent. Several sections of the Galaxy class are designed to be highly reconfigurable and can be easily rededicated according to mission requirements.

Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems

  • Approximate Auxiliary Craft Complement: 40
    • Shuttlepods: 12
    • Personal Shuttles: 10
      • 5 Type IX short range shuttles


      • 5 Type XI long range shuttles


      • Runabouts: 2 Arrow class runabouts


  • Emergency Evacuation Systems/Escape Pods: 2700 Type IX Autonomous Survival and Recovery Vehicles (ASRV)