
Revision as of 18:28, 21 February 2018 by Groznin Smith (talk | contribs)

Jang Son Upex is currently serving as a Civillian aboard the USS Blackwell.

USS Blackwell
Jang, Son of Upex
Position Civillian
Rank Civilian
Species Klingon
Gender Male
DOB 238108.15
Age 20
Birthplace Qo’nos


  • Height: -
  • Weight: -
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: -


(Background/Personality/Career History)

Jang, Son of Upex was born on Qo’nos in 2381 to Upex and Apoll of the house of Upex, his early life was normal for a Klingon, learn how to be a warrior, that changed when he his parents became diplomats for the Federation and Klingon Empire, they where stationed on DS9 during the dominion war and became close friends with a denobulan called [Groznin Smith] he mentored Jang in how life worked on board DS9 and life in the Federation. He also taught him English much more than his parents could and the culture of some of the bigger species in the Federation such as Humans, Vulcans, and Andorians, he also taught him about the denobulans as Groznin is himself 1/4 denobulan. Groznin eventually gained the trust of Upex and asked him to Join his house, Groznin knowing what an honour it was accepted, he then entered a blood oath with Upex to protect Jang If anything were to happen to him and Apoll, Jang had hoped this would never happen as he was close with his parents but while on a diplomatic mission Upex’s Shuttle was destroyed while trying to defend some other Shuttle craft from Attack from an unknown enemy, they both died with honour. Groznin flufiled his oath and adopted Jang, they both now live on the USS Blackwell with Groznin being an ensign in Starfleet.