Hi! My name is Emma and I play Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds, the commanding officer of the USS Gorkon. Quinn has been my primary character since I joined the fleet in the February of 2007, and I've gathered a small posse of PNPCs along the way. I'm currently one of the cadet stewards, so if you're new to the fleet and have any questions, please drop me a message!


Active Characters

Primary Character
Insignia Rank Portrait Character Name Gender and Species Current Position Current Posting
  Fleet Captain   Quinn Reynolds Female Human/Deltan Commanding Officer USS Gorkon
  Commander   Walter Brunsig Male Human Commanding Officer, USS Triumphant Tyrellian Defence and Exploration Taskforce
  Ensign   Valesha Sienelis Female Romulan Science Officer USS Gorkon

Inactive characters can be found here.

My Useful Links