
Revision as of 07:05, 7 December 2016 by Rich (talk | contribs) (Rich moved page Sh’Hiel to Sh'Hiel)

Admiral sh’Hiel is a Starfleet flag officer in charge of Starfleet operations in the Alpha Quadrant along the Federation's border with the Tholian Assembly, which covers parts of both the Menthar Corridor and the Shoals. She is known for her acerbic personality.

In 2392, she informed Roshanara Rahman of Fleet Captain Aron Kells reported death. Kells was later subsequently discovered to have been kidnapped and was eventually freed by Rahman and the crew of the USS Invicta.

In 2393, after Rahman took a leave of absence to attend to personal matters, sh'Hiel reassigned Joseph Washington from the USS Pioneer to the USS Invicta to assume command. Later that year, she assigned Roshanara Rahman to take command of the USS Veritas after the death of Captain Rosa Carrero.