Athena NPCs

Revision as of 01:40, 24 July 2016 by Brandon Craig (talk | contribs)

Athena NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Operations Division
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Petty Officer Third Class Joella Human Female Gold Faranfey
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Chief Petty Officer Stefanos Human Male Gold General NPC
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Lieutenant JG Jeff Human Male Gold General NPC
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Lieutenant JG Ethan Human Male Gold General NPC
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Lieutenant Gail Human Female Gold Cody
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Ensign Lilly Human Female Gold Faranfey
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Lieutenant Bam Pelian Female Gold Holly
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Lieutenant JG Pierre Human Male Gold Bishop
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Ensign Jason Human Male Gold Craig
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Ensign V'Nor Vulcan Male Gold General NPC
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Petty Officer Second Class Juris Kov Tellarite Male Gold Tel-ar
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Petty Officer Second Class Haseko Human Female Gold Ceciri
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Petty Officer Second Class Shedet Orion Female Gold Nugra
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Petty Officer Third Class Pavone Nuvian Male Gold General NPC
Medical Division
Provisional Ensign Rino Bajoran Male Teal Holly
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Chief Petty Officer Maxwell Human Male Teal Faranfey
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Lieutenant JG Anaystasia Trill Female Teal Faranfey
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Civilian Iris Trill Female Teal Faranfey
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Civilian Philippa Human Female Teal General NPC
Petty Officer Second Class Vanessa Human Female Teal General NPC
Sciences Division
Civilian Nadeshiko Android Female Blue Ceciri Hakashri
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Lieutenant JG Alison Human Female Blue Brandon Craig
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Chief Petty Officer Aemilia Magna Roman Female Blue General NPC
Starfleet Marine Corps
Marine Captain Karolina Human Female Green Faranfey
First Lieutenant K'ali Rodulan Female Green Aidoann
Marine Captain Sassi Unjoined Trill Green Holly
Starfleet Intelligence
DS9style-ltjg black.png
Lieutenant JG Iael Betazoid Male Black Aidoann
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Lieutenant JG Alice Human Female Black General NPC
Civilian Contingent
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Civilian Kerrin Human Female Silver Faranfey
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Civilian Rina Human Female Silver Faranfey
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Civilian Kaitlyn Human Female Silver Alexander Bishop
Non-Federation Diplomatic Corps
Tribune Shiarrael Romulan Female Violet Nugra