
Revision as of 20:36, 14 May 2015 by Rich (talk | contribs)

The Name (n) Template

Want to include a person's rank or title? Use Template:Nrank!
Want to make a link white rather than blue? Use Template:Nwhite!

This template simplifies the process of creating a wiki link for an officer with both a first name and a last name. Rather than have to create a link like this: [[Last_Name, First_Name|First_Name Last_Name]], you can now just type this: {{n|First_Name|Last_Name}} and you will get the same link. For instance, let's try


Tenzin Zhou


Those with one name (or those written with their family name first such as the Bajorans) will work as well if treated as one name:



{{n|Anora Manar}}

Anora Manar

However, this is just as easily done with the normal wikilinking method (i.e., [[Solok]]) and is included more as a "hidden" feature for templates that incorporate Template:N such as Template:Roster and Template:Crew.

If you have any questions, ask Rich