Hayden Reynolds


Hayden Reynolds is a medical doctor and was an officer of the Federation Starfleet. Notably, he was declared missing in action after the USS Kestrel disappeared in 2383. Nick Parks and the crew of the Kestrel worked together to displace them from an experimental warp bubble and Hayden and the rest of the Kestrel crew were rescued several months later. Hayden underwent six weeks of leave and therapy before rejoining the fleet as a medical officer on the USS Independence; he rose eventually to chief medical officer and then to his own command of two hospital ships. He is married to Ambassador Lily Ventu, and currently commands the USS Aquitania.

Biographic Information

  • Full Name: Hayden James Reynolds
  • Species: Human
  • Date of Birth: 31st January, 2349
    • Age: 42
  • Place of Birth: New England, Earth
  • Gender: Male


  • Height: 1.78 m (5'10'')
  • Weight: 75 kg (165 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Midlength
  • Eye Colour: Dark brown
  • Skin Tone: Light
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Two old surgical scars on his hands
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Build: Slender, bony
  • Carriage: Purposeful
  • Taste in Clothing: Stylish
  • Voice: Quick and loud
  • Handedness: Right


  • Spouse: Lily Ventu
  • Children: Rhys Reynolds
  • Parents
    • Father: Matthew Reynolds, a cardiothoractic surgeon.
    • Mother: Naomi James, a neurosurgeon.
  • Siblings: Susie, four years younger. A professional chef.


As a young man, Hayden enrolled at both Starfleet Academy (in its biosciences program) and the Berkeley Institute of Medicine; this combination proved suitably challenging, and he took some a leave from BIM in his second year, completed his Starfleet studies and cadet cruise, and then returned for his medical degree (granted 2373) and residency (finished 2376). After his residency, he spent several years doing biomedical research as an ensign and then a junior lieutenant aboard Starbase 515, where he worked with immunology and virology with Vulcans and Andorians. He was promoted to full lieutenant and offered a post as an assistant chief medical officer aboard the USS Kestrel in 2381, and he served there until the Kestrel was the site of an experimental warp bubble accident in late 2383. Following the rescue of Hayden and the Kestrel crew, he spent a month and a half recovering, during which time he met colleagues of Lily Ventu, who would become his wife.

Following this leave period, Hayden was assigned to the USS Independence-A as an assistant chief medical officer, and then later as the vessel's chief medical officer. He met and began a relationship with Lily Ventu at this time, one that continued through their mutual assignment to the USS Tiger and to Starbase 118. Hayden and Lily were married at the end of 2385 and had their first and only child, Rhys Reynolds, one year later. Lily resigned from Starfleet after a brief time as the starbase's commanding officer and was offered a position as ambassador by the Federation a year after Rhys's birth; shortly thereafter, Hayden accepted a position as first officer aboard the hospital ship USS Mederios. After the unexpected promotion of his CO, Hayden was offered that position; and shortly after that, when the aging Mederios was to be decommissioned, Hayden was offered the CO-ship of the USS Aquitania, a position that he's enjoyed since.

While their careers make maintaining a strong family and social life often difficult, both Lily and Hayden are committed to their relationship. Rhys is with both parents as often as possible, and both Lily and Hayden pull whatever strings they can in order to be assigned to similar areas. When Lily ran for a seat on the Federation Council, Hayden was able to get the Aquitania assigned as her diplomatic ferry, harkening back to the ship's roots. Since then, he has tried to get the Aquitania assigned with the USS Garuda in the Menthar Corridor.