Durche Rirtuil

Ensign Durche Rirtuil, a Haliian, is currently awaiting assignment.


  • Full Name: Durche Rirtuil
  • Race: Haliian
  • Date of Birth: 236212.03
  • Place of Birth: Halii
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: E3 (Modified by a Canar)


  • Height: 5’11
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Brown
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Build: Average
  • Distinguishing Features: A small bulge above each eyebrow, on the forehead.
  • Poses & Gestures: Often keeps hands folded behind back.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Wears gloves whenever possible,
  • Handedness: Right


  • Quarters:
  • Favorite Room:
  • Habits:
  • Mannerisms:
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion:
  • Hobbies and Pastimes:
  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
  • Ambitions and Goals:
  • Achievements in Life:
  • Disappointments in Life:
  • Temperment: Shy and reserved.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias):
  • Physical Limitations:


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Arrt Rirtuil: (Occupation: Freight Handler)
    • Mother: Leiyis Rirtuil: (Nurse)
  • Siblings: None

Personal History

  1. 236212.03 - Born on Halii
  2. 237907.30 - Graduated from Jyiox Academy
  3. 238309.00 - Enrolled at StarFleet Academy
  4. 238709.01 - 238807.17 - Cadey Cruise on USS Centris
  5. 238807.17 - Graduated from StarFleet Academy, promoted to Ensign.

Born on Halii Rirtuil always dreamed of a life in the stars. Through school he was always fascinated by shuttles, ships and fighters and started flying basic craft from school as part of their Combat Air Cadet Corps. The organization, run in association with the Haliian defense force is designed to prepare young students planning to join the service on graduation for the life to come. Rirtuil did well in the CACC and it allowed him to learn to pilot craft and gain other valuable experiences from a young age. He applied to the defense force upon graduation but was declined – there were more applicants than places and Rirtuil’s test results weren’t as good as the other applicants. He turned to StarFleet instead, determined to have a life in the stars.

Professional History

Current Assignment

  • Date Graduated from Academy: 238807.17
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Current Assignment: TBC
  • Duty Post: TBC

Awards & Commendations



Rirtuil is adept a marine as any and recieved all the basic and advanced training that any marine would recieve.

Rirtuil's training as a marine focussed of special ops and infiltration. Where many marines would use their offensive might to solve a problem Rirtuil has a different approach. He is a techy, geeky guy with a love of computers and programming. He can use his knowledge of technology and gadgets to infiltrate secure compounds without alerting security and can extract well protected information and items from secure facilities.

The SFMC took advantage of Rirtuils experience in the Haliian CACC by training and honing his piloting skills.


Promotion History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet, 4th Class 238309.00 - 238407.31 Starfleet Marine Corps,
Federation Headquarters
Major: Special Ops
Minor: Piloting
  Cadet, 3rd Class 238409.01 - 238507.31
  Cadet, 2nd Class 238509.01 - 238607.31
  Cadet, 1st Class 238609.01 - 238707.31
  238709.01 - 238807.17 USS Centris-A Cadet Cruise
  2nd Lieutenant 238807.17 - Present StarBase 118 Ops Marine Officer