Moved your profile...
You accidentally edited the template, so I moved your stuff to your character page, where's supposed to be: Cody, David. --Wolf 21:32, 7 February 2006 (CST)
Utopia Planitia
David, while I don't have a problem with you putting up information on Utopia Planitia, part of what we're trying to do here on the wiki is not duplicate information that is in abundance elsewhere on the web. You only have a couple of sentences, which are only a very small part of what others have done, such as the memory alpha site. When possible, try linking to there or elsewhere instread of retyping known information. Like this [], or [].
-Varaan 15:19, 7 June 2006 (CDT)
Oh that was my fault entirely. I started out to do something and stopped for the same reason that was brought up. Meant to take down the article or redirect it to Memory Alpha. DCody 04:48, 14 November 2006 (CST)
Jennet Trade Securities Corporation
David, I set up a link to JTSC so if you feel like writing up a short description on the company you've got somewhere to put it. Throw the category "Companies" at the bottom, too. Thanks. -Varaan 07:35, 10 November 2006 (CST)
Thanks! :) I'm still working on the official short description, but that'll save me from creating the links (and possibily foobarring in process- LOL). DCody 21:52, 10 November 2006 (CST)
Ship Histories
Where did you get that ship name from? Just curious as I've been wanting to try and get a page up for each vessel for ages and I can find very little about some ships, wondering if you've found a source I may have missed - Lt.JG Salak Talk 10:49, 11 November 2006 (CST)
- Sure it's not an NPC ship then? You've listed Solstice under lost or decommissioned but it could be inactive instead. See Wallace for example, twice decommissioned in the group but technically "inactive" as it's now an NPC ship. I don't know cos I've not seen the context but if there's any more than a ship name? - Lt.JG Salak Talk 14:10, 12 November 2006 (CST)
In terms of the Xanth being assigned to the Colony originally, it's most likely the latter case, where it fell to becoming an NPC ship. In terms of the Solstice, because I only have an old website that lists it as a part of the UFOP, there's not enough information to determine whether it's inactive, so I consider it "lost/decommissioned" as it only listed the Capt. designated (and missing the crew). Word of note, if you're after ship/crew histories, the yahoogroups inactive ships are public. What you'll find is with some ships, they went under an original name and then were referred to by a new name/designation (such as in the case of the USS Nemesis, which became the USS Defiance, then to the USS Nemesis-B. And when Demma got in touch with me, I invited him to come to the Wiki as he has a more thorough knowledge of some of the older ships. DCody 16:49, 12 November 2006 (CST)
- Ah, ok... And I thought I recognised Demma's name from somewhere :) - Lt.JG Salak Talk 18:29, 12 November 2006 (CST)
Indy roster
I thought he'd transfered across? He replied to the roll call asking for how often can be posted, was listed in Sid's crew roster on the townhall list (seemingly without protest) and it makes sense given the Direct OOC's between Jessa and myself about the department recently. Can't find the "welcome aboard" note on townhall but Idril welcomed him aboard IC and he's signed posts as Engineer, DS17 instead of Ursa Major as his profile lists. Oh, and after more than half a year on the same posting (admittedly including a lengthy LOA on my part), you still can't spell my main characters name correctly ;) - Lt.JG Salak Talk 05:55, 28 November 2006 (CST)
I've changed the template back to nearer the old style if that's ok, though I've moved the link to the map into the header bit. Any reason for the red bar across the top of the Ithassa Region page? - Lt.JG Salak Talk 10:52, 20 December 2006 (CST)
DS17 Roster
Lt.Cmdr Uka (see DS17 NPC roster) was Chief Ops (& Second Officer?) during Wallaces' time in commission, if that's any help? - Lt.JG Salak Talk 21:54, 7 February 2007 (CST)
Sorry, I'm not sure what you're talking about. Can you clarify? --Wolf /talk page 23:37, 22 September 2007 (CDT)
- Ah, I see. Hmm... I'll have to look around and see what I have. I'm a packrat, but I haven't even looked at my "old"/archiving folders that had all that stuff. It may be corrupted by now. --Wolf /talk page 16:21, 29 December 2007 (CST)
- On review, it looks like the bulk of what I have in terms of sims is from 99 going forward. I do have a bunch of sims from the Ranger around 1996, however, but no chat sims as far as I can tell. The only other things I could find were applications going back to 06/95. --Wolf /talk page 16:33, 29 December 2007 (CST)
Just a quick note: no spaces on either side of the bar | in qualified links. i.e.- this: [[Wolf, Tristan|Tristan Wolf]] NOT this: [[Wolf, Tristan | Tristan Wolf]]. --Wolf /talk page 12:40, 5 January 2008 (CST)
Starbase 118 The Black Tower
I made up Alicia Armstrong -- didn't know we already had another character there. Use whatever's currently correct :) --Wolf /talk page 23:12, 6 January 2008 (CST)
Intrepid class schematics
David, can you elaborate what you're thinking on this? If there's more than two pages in a series of articles, then a category first, and a nav panel if there's a half-dozen or more, and it will help people move around the articles :) --Wolf /talk page 14:59, 10 January 2008 (CST)
Not sure what you mean, are you refering to the nav menu ones on the right of ship pages? - Lt.JG SalakTalk 06:40, 11 January 2008 (CST)
- Ah, think I know what you mean. I toyed with a generic page when trying to plan for the Indy-A wiki page before launch. If you mean a generic text with the usual nav and boiler then I certainly won't oppose an attempt. Of course, some ships have far longer pages than others already, so we might be looking at a generic stub that we can gradually add to? - Lt.JG SalakTalk 10:14, 11 January 2008 (CST)
- Can't see ya on YIM. I'll undelete the stub thing I had so you can have a look but not sure how much use it'll be. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 10:17, 11 January 2008 (CST)
- User:Salak/New ship. The red links are the usual motto bar at the top, the nav on the right and a pic. The bottom stuff is surrounded by <nowiki> markers so the page doesn't get added to those categories. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 10:21, 11 January 2008 (CST)
- Can't see ya on YIM. I'll undelete the stub thing I had so you can have a look but not sure how much use it'll be. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 10:17, 11 January 2008 (CST)
I've never encountered either character before. I'm happy for either to be incharge of blacktower. Who created the two NPCs? Perhaps we can give them slightly different jobs. They should, however, hold marine ranks.
"Captain Rocar Drawoh | Talk" 19:27, 11 February 2008 (CST)
New Categories
Don't really need to create a category for a character when there's only one article to put in it ;) - Lt. SalakTalk 21:28, 21 February 2008 (CST)
Template:Ithassa Region
Can you not edit it for a few mins please, I'm overhauling it back to the previous layout as a) it brings it into line with Template:Trinity and b) there's a silly little ruled line appearing between the colour bar and the top of the nav that I'm struggling to work out. Thanks - Lt. Salak Talk 13:14, 2 April 2008 (EDT)
- Ok, I wasn't clear. I'm changing it to the previous layout, but with the current links. Hence why it isn't a simple 2 second revert. - Lt. Salak Talk 13:19, 2 April 2008 (EDT)
Ithassa Location
Just looking through Category:Star Charts maps, the same charts used to show the location of StarBase 118. Image:SFMap-part4.jpg is an overview of known space, and was thinking where the region fits in, given the main species about. The big blue area is the Federation. With the orange bit bottom left being Tholian, there's a nice looking blank bit above that and left of "Chart 3" which could be the location. In addition, I think I recall Breen being mentioned on Indy not too long ago (TE IV mission?). They're the big brownish area above the space.
The problem is the Gorn and the Tzenkethi. The Tzenkethi are the little yellow blob on the border between charts 1 & 3, which isn't TOO far away, but is still probably not close enough to really be thought of as in the region. The peach blob below them are the Cardassians with the Talarians the light blue below that. I'm not aware that either have been mentioned in the region. Worse; the Gorn seem to be the gray patch to the bottom right of the big blue circle (marking 250ly from Sol) on the overview, below Klingon space, a long, long way from the area. The scale is also an issue... the gap in question is only about 75ly wide and perhaps 120 ly long. That is still about 4 sectors by 6 sectors = a fair 24 sectors (assuming only one thick in height). The specs on the Ithassa Region suggest the region is perhaps the size of the entire Federation (~ 750ly x 750ly?) on those star maps.
Alternatively, there's a nice blue bit between the Tholians and Gorn, but it's even further from the Tzenkethi and has the little issue of a huge Klingon border along the top edge. Plus, being blue, it's certainly Federation space, likely has member worlds within it and is likely quite explored already, what with being between Earth and such places as the Mutara Nebula, Ceti Alpha, Rigel, Cestus III... - Lt. Salak Talk 21:06, 2 April 2008 (EDT)
- Hence why I removed it from the talk page. Was planning to move it to e-mail anyway. Expect something in your inbox (and cc'd to at least the Admiral too) in a few mins. - Lt. Salak Talk 23:09, 2 April 2008 (EDT)
TE system
Varaan's created a system page, splitting it off TE-IV. I've now created the tiniest of stubs for each planet and rolled the Cart'hen style content template out for the system too. It is Triades-Episolon and not Triades-Epsilon, right? Varaan changed the spelling, I changed it back, want to be sure that was the correct move. - Lt. Salak Talk 11:24, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- Am I right in thinking DS17 is in the Eratis asteroid field? If it's not, I'd be tempted to add it to that nav :) - Lt. Salak Talk 11:30, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- I need to pop out shopping, but I might sift through a few old sims when I get back. The last mission on Wallace was dealing with an issue with the star. I remember mentioning the possibility of a starquake, can't recall the other suggestions, but would be a nice bit of info for the star page. - Lt. Salak Talk 11:37, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- I also recall the mission cut short by decomm. However, we'd been on DS17 for missions since June (about 9 months, someone blew a hole in the side of the Wallace). Might be some info in the Indy missions, between September and February or whenever the new Indy was commissioned perhaps? Info will be scattered about on all the Ithassa ships but that's where Eratis's most likely looked into. - Lt. Salak Talk 11:43, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
Igloo Cluster
Beware the naming of stars in a Cluster. I doubt the star itself is called "Igloo Cluster". Also, IC is a redirect to In Character. You might be able to get ideas from wp:Star cluster. Igloo is probably a remark on the appearence of the region from distance. - Lt. Salak Talk 12:17, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- Sure. The IC-93 bit might pertain to the Igloo Cluster itself actually. wp:Index Catalogue - Lt. Salak Talk 13:02, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
Regarding the Eratis eruption/quake thing I mentioned: Briefing by Lt. Cmdr Devar Senior Staff Thoughts at Briefing [1] [2] [3] - Lt. Salak Talk 13:25, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- Oh, and the DS17 dates don't seem to work. DS17 was commissioned in 2312 yet the Tomed Incident that apparently caused the Federation withdrawl from the Ithassa Region was in 2311? Seems a little bizarre. - Lt. Salak Talk 17:40, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- Further to that: Could be that DS17 was left as a sole outpost given its' study of Eratis (see sims linked above), but why the decommissioning at that time? Possibly a withdrawl of personel due to a military build up for the Cardassian Wars, but they were still at least a decade away. - Lt. Salak Talk 18:06, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- By the way, I've begun a draft rewrite of Ithassa Region at User:Salak/Ithassa. Anything above the line is rewritten. Might be worth comparing to whatever idea you have for the article, see if they can be combined? Also, having looked at the number of links to various redirects to the Battle of DS17, I've moved that article to Battle of Eratis. As such, it now has the Eratis system layout rather than the DS17 one. I've fleshed out Eratis system too, though what I added doesn't really contain anything new to the wiki. I think the observation regarding the Federations presence in the Region is fair to mention. - Lt. Salak Talk 21:23, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
- Further to that: Could be that DS17 was left as a sole outpost given its' study of Eratis (see sims linked above), but why the decommissioning at that time? Possibly a withdrawl of personel due to a military build up for the Cardassian Wars, but they were still at least a decade away. - Lt. Salak Talk 18:06, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
Have added a few things to Talk:Eratis. Also, we haven't had 8 ships since Triumphant was decommed, unless you count Centris. Both Conny & Eagle were listed simultaneously for a while though. - Lt. Salak Talk 12:40, 14 April 2008 (EDT)
Means the edit has not been "patrolled." If the edit was done by a non-admin, it'll have the red ! until an admin reviews it and marks it. You can ignore it -- not really a feature we use. --Wolf /talk page 00:13, 15 April 2008 (EDT)
Indy section.
Given I'm on the move to Tiger... Just checking you knew of Template:Indy-A Crew. That might need updating along with the rosters. It's at the footer of all the Indy PC crew pages, except Quinn's as she didn't like it and removed it. Not perfect, but had perhaps an 80% positive reaction. To see how it looks on a page, see the bottom of your character page. Also, the neon on the motto nav bugged me too :) - Lt. Salak Talk 17:40, 4 May 2008 (EDT)
Indy registry
Just corrected the registry in the new blurb on the Indy page... The 0 was dropped from the number for the -A - Lt. Salak Talk 11:36, 6 May 2008 (EDT)
Indy roster
I just noticed that you've made all the other sections of it sortable as well, thought I'd mention a few bugs and fixes. I used the On Leave nav as a testbed, the original testing is at 118Wiki:Sand Box#Collapsable Indy. Pips won't sort unless coded, the ranks will sort alphabetically, not by order and names will sort by first name, not surname. Within the coding, the <span style="display:none">1</span> stuff is defining where in the column something would appear if sorted by that column. Ranks need to be numbered from top down (i.e. Admirals = 1), and if you go into double figures you'll need to add a 0 in front of numbers below 10 (e.g. 01, 02, 03 ... 09, 10, 11) else it will count 1, 10, 11, 2, 3. Adding class="unsortable" to a column's parameters, such as in the final table (last column is ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" class="unsortable" |'''Current Post''' ) will mean that although the rest of the table is sortable, that column won't be. Hope that's useful. - Lt. Salak Talk 09:10, 9 May 2008 (EDT)
Way Corridor System
I assume you didn't mean to file this as a Restricted Species? That's what Category:Restricted is. I'd guess you mean it's classified? Might be worth setting up a new category? - Lt. Salak Talk 14:46, 12 June 2008 (EDT)
- I'd have thought Category:Classified would be the logical and obvious option? - Lt. Salak Talk 14:50, 12 June 2008 (EDT)
Deleting articles
To tag an article for deletion, add the delete template {{delete}}. As an admin, you should find a delete button at the top of every article though. - Lt. Salak Talk 07:19, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
- Yeah, ran across that. As an admin, we can restore articles too, they aren't totally lost. Slight problem now that some of the planets being moved were simmed in Ithassa and left as red links before recent events. - Lt. Salak Talk 11:48, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
I will rename what ever you want renamed that has been deleted... just let me know... I can and am willing to do so... I thought I was the original creator of the Ga'ter from way back when I joined the USS Triumphant... but I could be wrong... we ran into a character that had no race listed... I gave it a name... I thought it was the Ga'ter... anyway let me know... I will make the changes and do total rewrites of any info refering to the Ithassa Region or the FTU... as I have said... I will never again work on any project... region... area... in any way or form that belongs to someone else... not even with my character... Canreb 12:22, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
- (reply to comment on my talk page) Makes sense. Bout to e-mail bout Ga'ter, doing some corroborative research. - Lt. Salak Talk 12:57, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
Also the Prantis... they were only identified as insectoids... I gave them a name and created a system and racial profile... Canreb 17:15, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
I had moved Ma'vil the system... then someone deleted it... can I have it back?? Canreb 18:11, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
I need the Rumaiy race returned... all my work and creation... thanks you... Canreb 18:22, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
Devinon system is my creation... the name of the race is not... but the info on the race is... can I have the info... I will have to delete most of it... but may be able to salvage something... Canreb 18:24, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
I did the racial profile for both the Ramdii and the Oxian... plus both their systems... I will rename the races and the systems... can I have them back... I will also make those changes needed to seperate them from the FTU background I wrote... Canreb 18:28, 25 July 2008 (EDT)
I know I need to change the name for the Ramdii and Oxian race and system... do I need to change it for the Prantis and Ga'ter or are those two mine? Canreb 07:26, 26 July 2008 (EDT)
I have renamed the Ramdii race and the Oxian race... you can now delete the pages for them... I have also done the pages for the Ramd system... they can be deleted... However Ramd III and Oxi I or RAMD and Oxi was missing... the wrong page was restored... it was my original article... I greatly expanded on it... this was the homeworld... I greatly expanded on it... also the city Brahma is still missing... can I have that data back... Canreb 09:54, 27 July 2008 (EDT)