Annabelle T'Mora

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USS Drake

Annabelle T'Mora

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Annabelle T'Mora is a Civilian. She was previously the Chief of Security and Tactical on the USS Tarelgan. Preceding it's destruction, she took a leave of absense from Starfleet and started dating it's previous Helm officer, Trent Korrey


  • Full Name: Annabeth Olie T'More (Changed her name)
  • Race: Terran
  • Place of Birth: Earth
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: n/a


  • Height: 5'10''
  • Hair Color: Changes regularly. It's natural colour is a light brown.
  • Length of Hair: Long
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Anything, really.
  • Hand: Right


  • Marital Status: Dating Trent Korrey
    • Previously the Helm officer for the Tarelgan, Annabelle started dating him after the Tarelgan's destruction.


None known

Other Family

None known.


Annabeth T'More was born on Earth. Unfortunately, both her parents were addicted to drugs, which caused Anna to change her name when she was nineteen years old and make sure that she had nothing to do with them. She then joined StarFleet, wanting to be a Tactical officer.

She was assigned to the USS Tarelgan as a Tactical officer, and throw the years, she worked up to then be the Assistant Chief Tactical officer and then the Chief of both Security and Tactical.

Unfortunately, the Tarelgan was put to the test against Jem'Hadar. Why they targeted the Tarelgan, none of the crew know but the ship was evactuated before finally being destroyed. Preceding its destruction, Anna took a Leave of Absense from StarFleet, although started dating the Tarelgan's Helm officer, Trent Korrey.

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Ensign Unknown - Unknown USS Tarelgan Tactical Officer
  Lieutenant JG Unknown - Unknown Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
  Lieutenant Unknown - 238806.26 Chief of Security & Tactical
  Civilian 238806.27 - Present USS Drake Civilian (Leave of Absense from StarFleet)

NPC Roster    ·    Drake Senior Staff    ·    Crew History
CO: William Rogers  ·  XO: David Whale
COO: Solok  ·  HCO: Kendall Washburn
IO: Oliver Weston
CDO: Vacant
CEO: Pandora  ·  EO: James
COS: Sakorra Jefferson Reed  ·  SO: Nemitor Atimen
CTO: Sinda Essen  ·  TO: Vacant
CMO: Dantin-Vex  ·  Coun: Danzia
ACMO: Vacant  ·  MO: Vacant
CSO: Vacant
SCO: Alexander Richards   ·   SCO: Enabren Rayn
MAR: Vacant
CIV: Didrik Stennes
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