Player Data

  • Location: European Mainland
  • Joined StarBase 118: End of August 2018
  • Writer ID: G239508SN0
  • About the player: After a hiatus of three years I decided to try simming again and stumbled across Starbase 118. Normally I read some of the stories of the ships I join, to get a feel for the writers and the ship. But seeing SB118 uses a different method, it was gonna be a surprise where I'd end up.

Player Characters



Gorkon Tour Of Duty - Contact achievements

Penny for your thoughts
Penny for your thoughts
What's up, doc?
What's up, doc?
I'm in the Middle of Some Calibrations
I'm in the Middle of Some Calibrations

OOC Activities


Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
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Awards Ceremony Nominator Legendary
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25th Anniversary
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Appreciation Forum Nominator
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Chat Trivia Participant
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SOTFA Ship Commendation
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SOTFA Taskforce Commendation
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Excellence in Training
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FNS Editor
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Writing Challenge Judge
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Awards Citations

Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Silver Palm
USS Gorkon
With the kind of casual hilarity of someone who is doubtlessly smirking when she writes some of the classic lines in her sims, Samira has this year come in swinging with wonderfully funny one-liners in her sims and boosted the morale of our crew with her sparkling creativity where the plot needs it most. Taking over the Gorkon Quote of the Month duties, she runs the monthly poll of collated best lines from each and every sim, ensuring everyone gets their golden moment, and does so with dedication to the craft each and every month. Active on Discord, she crafts clever lines and encouragement for everyone, making the ship feel brighter every time. For her continued devotion to getting those laughs remembered, Samira Neathler is awarded the Silver Palm for this year!
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2020 State of the Federation Address
USS Gorkon
It’s no surprise to find Samira Neathler gracing this multi-commendation list for the year, however her writer might think entirely differently! While most of the commendations here have seen the writers thrust into the spotlight for one reason or another, Samira works tirelessly in the background.

Commended by her CO for her good humour and efforts, she is a reliable source of stability on the Gorkon, providing direction for a flagging plot point, or tags for simmers at a loose end. She combs through every post on a monthly basis to kick off the ship Quote of the Month contest on the forum; a big job, but the contest is celebrating nearly two years of continuity thanks to her dedication! In conjunction, she is also commended by the Training Team for her unwavering devotion; volunteering for classes consistently and providing a dependable backbone for each class she takes part in. Her simming ability is second to none and each cadet who participates in a class with Samira has one of the best examples available in the team. Keep up the good work, Sami!

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Neelix Award
USS Gorkon
While simming is the activity that brings us all together in the first place, there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes to keep our ship feeling like the little community it is, and Sami makes every effort to do so much for us. From running our Quote of the Month poll every month without fail, volunteering reliably in the Academy to usher in new talent to the group, and injecting a fun bit of life into our Gorkon Discord, Sami makes the ship feel that little bit more alive. For her efforts in this, we award Samira Neathler with the Neelix Award with wholehearted gratitude for everything she does. Congratulations!
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LOS 1 Year
USS Gorkon
For those who have been members continuously for one year.
Awards Special Boothby 2011.jpg
Boothby Award
USS Gorkon
Presented by Quinn Reynolds: "Week after week, one name that stands out in the Academy is that of Samira Neathler. She's a stalwart member of the team, volunteering her time and energy whenever she can while knowing when she needs to step back for a week or two to recharge her batteries so that she can continue giving her best — a balance that's trickier than it seems! In every position she fills, she stands out as an exemplar of that role; her sims are beautifully written and set a fantastic example for our cadets, as an XO she keeps the class running smoothly with her organisational skills, as CO she supports both the cadets and the other members of the training team by offering feedback, insight and encouragement.

The nominations consistently spoke of what a fun and welcoming environment she makes for our cadets, and how much she inspired and encouraged our newer trainers in their own path through the academy. For all these reasons and more, I'm delighted to present Samira Neathler with the Boothby Award. Congratulations, Sami!!"

Awards DutyPost NatashaYarPinAward 2011.jpg
Natasha Yar Pin
USS Gorkon
Presented by Quinn Reynolds: "The character of Samira Neathler is written as one of the best examples of a security officer I have ever had the pleasure of reading and simming alongside. Sami has created a shrewd, intelligent and meticulous young woman who carries out her responsibilities with professionalism and restraint, always understanding that in Starfleet, violence is a last resort. We've seen her shine in protecting her fellow crew from dangerous situations while never stealing the spotlight from her fellow writers, shielding them from harm in character while encouraging their creativity and contributions out of character. It's a difficult balance to master and yet Sami achieves it time and time again.

As chief, she runs the department with a light touch and a deft hand, meeting and greeting new additions with a wry sense of humour and an invitation to help improve and develop the role of security aboard the ship. She's an exemplar of how to write Security, following in the finest traditions of the on-screen officers and I'm so pleased to present her with the Natasha Yar Pin. Congratulations, Sami!"

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2021 State of the Federation Address
USS Gorkon
As one of the fleet’s most hardworking members, Samira is commended not only by her ship, the USS Gorkon for being one of the most reliable, and creative members onboard, including running the Quote of the Month now for a full year on time every month, but also by the taskforces she is a reliable and creative member of.

The FNS commends Samira for her tireless efforts in editing the news items each month and diving into the archive of articles to edit and polish those which can then go out on the schedule. She is also commended by the training team for her unwavering devotion to each class she takes part in, taking pride in her efforts to train and graduate new members of the fleet, and provides a dependable simmer for each class she takes part in, regardless of the role she plays. Keep up the fantastic work, Sami! We’re all incredibly proud to have you with us!

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O'Brien Award
USS Gorkon
The inaugural winner of this award scooped up a vast number of nominations, and deservedly so! Sami (Samira Neathler) is a major reason things run so smoothly on the Gorkon and the value of her support cannot be overstated. When leading one of our mission teams, she understands the importance of ensuring everyone can shine and creates opportunities for others to step into the limelight, as well as curating some of the wilder ideas into more grounded but still fun threads to pursue. Not to mention she does this while paying close attention to what everyone else is up to, and incorporating universal plot points into her team's story!

As if it wasn't enough, she's a fantastic mentor, stalwart in running our Quote of the Month competition, represented the Gorkon as our judge for the Writing Challenge, keeps our wiki up to date, and helps the command staff write our monthly reports to the Captains Council. Her wry sense of humour is a constant delight in our Discord channel, as well as the growing zoo of Deck 8!

For her unwavering support and dedication, we are proud and delighted to present Sami with the O'Brien Award!

Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
USS Gorkon
It’s difficult to overstate how much a ship relies on sustainable and reliable simming to keep us active through the years, and it does not surprise anyone our most reliable simmer onboard is Sami. Through the years she’s been on the Gorkon, Sami has shown a fantastic dedication to her simming behaviour, to the point when she doesn’t sim for a few days, it’s a cause for concern. Regularly proof-reading and editing her sims to perfection, Sami has wowed us continuously with her commitment to delivering a wonderful chapter of the story to your inbox. Since joining us, Sami has displayed her abilities to be incredibly creative in the way she adds solid ideas to the plot, and how she’s developed her character through the trials and tribulations laid out before her. It’s a beautiful thing to see when Sami sends in a sim of Samira’s introspection, taking some time to burrow into the mind of a soul who is as deep as the ocean and yet shows beneath the surface to very few. For this reason, and many more, we’re awarding Samira Neathler with The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class (TOSMA). Well done, Sami!
