Civilian Simming Guide

Divisions and Personnel Assignments


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Before the Mission

Before the mission, depending on your class of civilian your role varies. For example, if you are a botanist, you can say that your character has made an important discovery on plant life that could improve relations on another planet. Or, if your character is a cook, you could say that she was cooking a new recipe that went horribly wrong and ended up poisoning the entire crew that had eaten in the cafeteria. Mainly your job is to have the ship run as smoothly (or not as smoothly) as possible.

During the Mission

Getting your character involved with the current mission is probably the most difficult part of being a civilian. Once you have done this though, the momentum of the mission should give you plenty of opportunities to join in on the mission fun and drama.

So first things first, don't wait to be given a way into a mission by other crew members, find unexpected ways to have your character stumble into the fun. This is part of the fun of being a civilian, finding unique ways to approach a mission. For example if there is a medical conference, even if your character isn't a doctor, have your character attend "because they always wanted to learn more" or "because someone close to your character dragged them along". If your character is a merchant, maybe he/she would ask for permission to tag along on an away mission to pick up supplies or so that he/she can meet a client. The key is to make whatever is happening a part of your character's life (however shallow that reason may be initially) in order to get them involved in the mission.

Then you can run with what happens next. Be it as acting as a nurse when a strange disease hits the medical conference or acting as a guide on an away mission. Sometimes you may know what your role in a mission will be but if you don't know, just focus on simming how your character would react to a specific situation.

Never be afraid to discuss a mission in character with other crew members. Who knows which crew member can make use of your particular character's skill set in any particular situation. And just like any other posting and player, talking with your CO and XO out of character, is a good way to get help in finding ways into the plot if you are still struggling.

After the Misison

Once everything has been finished on the mission, back to square one right? Wrong, there is still so much for your civilian character to do! When the ship was attacked, did one of your close friends get injured or die? Sim the emotions of the character. It will be a good read for everyone as well as lead to further character development. Also as a civilian, you get to tell about what happened behind the military lines. What was seen? How did it affect your character and the outcome of the mission? All of these rules should help you get started on simming this duty post.

Mission Specialist Helm/Com/Ops Engineer Science Officer Medical Officer Nurse
Intelligence Officer Security Officer Tactical Officer Marine Counselor Civilian
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