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#REDIRECT[[Eyas Wulfantine]]
| shipName = USS Independence-A
| characterName = Eyas W'Tine
| imageName = EyasW'Tine1.gif
| rank = Lieutenant Junior Grade
| quote = "I fear it may be messy. We may end up with two patients in several bits......"
| quoteBy = Ensign W'Tine, to the Bridge, whilst rescuing an injured crewmate during a spatial distortion.
| width = 275
| fontColor = Black
| color = Gold
*'''Character's name:''' Eyas Wulfan-Tine
*'''Species:''' Pythron
*'''Gender:''' Male
*'''Age:''' 24
*'''Date of Birth:'''  2364.01.01
*'''Place of Birth:''' Pythro V
*'''Parents:''' Two: Clovis & Solara
*'''Siblings:''' None
*'''Spouse:''' None
='''Detailed Descriptions'''=
=='''Character History'''==
Eyas was raised on the planet Pythro V in a close-knit but disciplined military family. Eyas was lonely as he was an only child and found making friends difficult as his father was an officer in the Pythronic Defence Force which necessitated frequent moving of the family home when his father received new commissions. Eyas changed school at least 10 times.
Eyas grew into a typical Pythron young male: tall, broad with long wavy blond hair (almost like a lion's mane to human eyes). He received his ceremonial armour at the age of 18 (as with Pythronic custom) which he wears proudly over the chest area alongside his Star Fleet uniform badge on ceremonial occasions.
His parents approved of his joining Star Fleet, as his father, General Clovis Wulfan-Tine, feels that trust and co-operation between Pythro and its Federation allies is for the greater good. Although technically an ally of the Federation, Pythro V maintains its own armed forces after it was attacked by an unknown alien invasion decades before and the Federation was too late to stop great loss of life.
=='''Physical Description'''==
* '''Height''': 6’6”
* '''Weight''': 200+ lbs
* '''Hair Color''': Blond
* '''Length of Hair''': Long, wavy
* '''Eye Color''': Black
* '''Skin Tone''': Pale
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''':
** Large scar from knife wound on right thigh sustained whilst trying to arrest an assassin during a riot at [[Deep Space 17]].
* '''Build''': Broad and muscular
* '''Poses''': Hands behind back when on duty. Off-duty.... hands behind back.
* '''Taste in Clothing (when off duty)''': Blue or Grey trousers and tunics. Leather gloves.
* '''Shoes''': Black kneeboots.
* '''Voice''': Deep and quiet.
* '''Handedness''': Ambidextrous
==Personality & Manner==
* '''Quarters''': Deck 04
* '''Mannerisms''': If tense, squeezes one hand inside the other behind back.
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''': None, in line with Pythron society's rejection of religion.
* '''Hobbies and Pastimes''': Fond of computer games, physical and mental exercise.
* '''Likes''': Swimming in the sea (on Pythro V), gym, history of space travel. * '''Dislikes''': Confined spaces.
* '''Ambitions and Goals''': To make his parents proud of his achievements.
* '''Achievements in Life''': Graduation in Pythron Military Academy, then Graduation from Starfleet Academy. Promoted to Lieutnenant JG aboard USS Independence-A.
* '''Disappointments in Life''': Having no siblings to help shoulder the burden of his family's expectations.
* '''Temperament''': Eyas is usually calm and doesn't panic when in danger. He is always eager to please his superiors and fiercely loyal to his family, friends and colleagues. He sometimes becomes frustrated if things he believes are wrong are not corrected. His greatest fears usually come from unseen dangers. Eyas would rather face twenty armed opponents in full view in front of him, than one hiding in the shadows.
* '''Mental problems (complexes and phobias)''': Mild Claustrophobia. Finds it difficult to relax in company of others.
* '''Physical Limitations''': Strong and athletic, Eyas main limitation is fitting into jefferies tubes or other narrow spaces.
*'''Ensign:''' DeepSpace17 riot.
*'''LtJg:'''  Mission to Wheeler Colony.
*'''Current Rank:''' LtJG
*'''Current Assignment:''' ''[[USS Independence-A]]''
*'''Duty Post:''' Chief of Security
==Awards and Commendations==
{{Template:Indy-A Crew}}
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Latest revision as of 18:02, 16 January 2016

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