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==Mission Reports==
==Mission Reports==
[[Image:victorymainpic001.jpg|left]]Every month, one of the Victory crewmembers writes a monthly summary about all ship activities.<br>
[[Image:victorymainpic001.jpg|left]]Every month, one of the Victory crewmembers writes a monthly summary about all ship activities.<br>
These summaries are written to give you a global idea of what happens aboard the fine [[ma:Intrepid_Class|Intrepid Class]] starship. To that end, a certain level of detail is being maintained. Personal b-plots and personnal experiences will not be mentioned unless important for the main plot. The entries below are sorted by [[Calculating stardates|stardate]].<br><br><br><br>
These summaries are written to give you a global idea of what happens aboard the fine [[ma:Intrepid_Class|Intrepid Class]] starship. To that end, a certain level of detail is being maintained. Personal b-plots and personnal experiences will not be mentioned unless important for the main plot. The entries below are sorted by [[stardate]].<br><br><br><br>

===Stardate: 238402===
The USS Victory, NCC-362447, arrived at Deep Space Nine
for shore leave and repairs after its last mission. Waiting on the station were
new crewmembers Lt. Richard Anderson and LtJG. Shalom Winters, as well as
Admiral Janice Decilla (NPC). Upon the Victory's arrival, Captain Robin Phoenix
was reinstated by Decilla as commanding officer.<br><br>
Before shore leave officially began, LtCmdr. Paul Diamond, the Victory's acting
captain, requested that Lt. Aresee Ventu, ship's counselor, organize a party in
the Gosport Galley, which started a couple of hours after Victory's arrival at
DS9. The party began with an official awards ceremony. Promotions were first,
then IC awards; Ventu received the Order of the Valiant Heart; Cmdr. Diamond
received the Strange Medallion; and Captain Phoenix received the Federation
Peace Medal.<br><br>
After the official ceremony, the party began in earnest. Lt. Anderson took the
stage to sing as the party heated up with drink and dance. New relationships
began to form as old ones were revived. In the midst of it all, LtCmdr. Toni
Turner arrived as a guest from the USS Challenger, NCC-12886.
===Stardate: 238401===
The USS Victory's mission was taking them to Cardassia
Prime for a diplomatic meeting between Bajorans Diplomats and Cardassians.
However, enroute, the USS Victory was attacked by an unknown vessel. Damage was
mostly on Deck 6 where the Bajroan Diplomats; Quarters were located. One of the
diplomats were seriously injured. <br><br>In the meantime, the search continued for Lt.
Arsee Ventu, who was "phased:" out of sight and had encounter a person from the
future.. This person, Aurelie informed Lt. Ventu of the "Collectors" who were
from the future. LT.Ventu tried to make telepathic contact with Captain Phoenix
in Sick Bay and succeeded. However, those whom were chasing Lt. Ventu and
Aurelie all over the ship were just beyond the Captain's make-shift quarters in
sick bay. The Captain locked the doors to prevent those chasing the Lieutenant
from getting into the room. However this locked out Commander Diamond and Lt.
Cmdr Harden, the ships CMO. To keep Lt. Ventu safe, The Captain transports out
of the small room into main sickbay. As this is happening, Lt. Ventu and
Aurelie crawl into the jefferies tube and begin climbing. They are captured by
the "Collectors". <br><br>In the meantime,Diamond tells the Captain about what Lt. Van
Ingen had disclosed to him about the Victory's future being crashed into a moon
in Cardassian space. The Captain and Commander Diamond, who is acting as
Captain decide to continue on their path to Cardassia Prime, despite all
circumstaces. Diamond suggests that one of the crew could act as the Bajroan
Diplomat. Captain Pheonix returns to her room in sick bay to find Lt. Ventu
gone. She goes to search for her and gets captured by the Collectors as well.
Presently, the ship is again attacked, but not by the same ship. This time,
it's a ship from the tuture. It is a more powerful ship and commanded by
Admiral Robin Phoenix, a futuristic version of the current Captain Phoenix.
Admiral Phoenix continues to fire at the USS Victory, causing serious damages.
As the battle is going on, Lt. Arsee Ventu, Captain Phoenix and Aerulie use the
alien portal to return to the USS Victory on the Bridge. However, Commander
Diamond, with the aide of Lt. Fanel and Lt. Hunnicutt, manage to set in motion a
plan to destroy the futuristic, more powerful ship. <br><br>While the battle was going
on, a lone shuttle approaches with a new crew member, Lt. Kwame Alexaner. He,
in an attempt to assist, releases his warp core, which floats in the casmos.
Diamonds idea was for the Victory to lure the futuristic ship past the warp
core, have tactical fire on the warp core and explode it as the future ship
flies past. This is carried out with percision and the futuristic ship and it's
crew ram into the very same moon that the USS Victory was supposed to fly into.
After the futuristic ship is destroyed, tjhe rest of the wreckage is vaporized
to destroy all evidence. The Victory begins it's road back to Deep Space 9 while
undergoing repairs.
===Stardate: 238312===
[[Cardassian]] exchange prisoners were placed in the brig of the USS Victory NCC-362447 under the careful watch of the security department led by Lt. Jacen Fanel and his assistant, Ensign Hugh Barnes ([[terran|terrans]]). A party, being organized by Lt.Cmdr. Cura Stone ([[Betazoid]]/[[Argelian]], Acting FO, CSO) was happening in Gosport Galley, the Victory’s named messhall.<br><br>
Within a private surgical suite, the commanding officer-turned-advisor, Captain Robin Phoenix (terran), endured another session of massage (sigh) by the [[Bynar]], Tina (NPC). <br><br>
The party was in full swing when Lt. Cmdr. Paul Diamond (terran, FO, Acting CO) arrived late. He had secured the aid of Lt. Benjamin Hunnicutt (terran, CEO) in setting up a holographic feed between the USS Challenger and the USS Victory to collaborate in the birth of the Callenger’s Captain T’Pen’s twins. Although it was a successful birth of a boy and a girl, the captain died. Blaming himself, Cmdr. Diamond, now on Deck 2, and under the unnoticed eye of Lt.Cmdr. Julia Harden (terran, CMO) slugged the corridor wall, badly bruising his hand. <br><br>
Ambassador Prevot ([[Bajoran]], NPC), Bajoran diplomat, and Cmdr. Stone do indeed know one another. But while he is romancing her, he is also hiding a device in the quarters of Priestess Janice S’Rah, Bajoran Ambassador (NPC) with the prisoner exchange program.<br><br>
Meanwhile, Lt. Ventu, after getting lost within her own ship, is somehow caught up in a temporal phase shift. She can see the crew of the Victory but they can’t see or hear her. Hoping to find the ‘missing’ counselor, Ensign Barnes and Dr. Harden search the ship. Ms. Ventu discovered she was the object of an assassination plot and returned to Cpt. Phoenix’s quarters; one of few persons on the ship that could hear her thoughts.<br><br>
Using an anyon emitter, Ensign Barnes was able to temporarily bring the phased persons into view proving the counselor was still on board the ship. About the same time the Victory was attacked. However, according to Lt. Fanel, the torpedo wasn’t powerful enough to penetrate the hull, just enough to cause minor damage. Priestess S’Rah was injured and is currently in a coma in sickbay. <br><br>
Cardassian Ambassador Gul Marlok and Lt. van Ingen (NPC), observer, in their own particular ways, mingled with the Starfleet crew as if they belonged. Van Ingen was proving to be an asset. Gul Marlok made his way to the brig, murdered one of the guards there and assisted prisoner Gul Gurpin to escape. Why?<br><br>
The phase technology being experienced on the Victory has further effects… into the future.
===Stardate: 238311===
The USS Victory NCC - 362447 headed for DS9 as it continued on it's mission to carry a Bajoran Delegation to Cardassia Prime with prisoners to exchange as a good faith gesture. Following orders given by acting captain, Lt. Cmdr Paul Diamond, ([[terran]]) Lieutenant Chris Wadham (terran) made
inquiries of senior commissioner of the prisoner exchange, Dankin Rann (NPC).
It was discovered that the Victory crew were dealing with some Cardassians that
had military training.<br><br>
Meanwhile, Lt. Commander Paul Diamond spoke to Captain Robin Phoenix (terran)
about his relationship with CMO, Dr. Julia Harden (terran). Phoenix gave some
advice to Diamond about love and command in the privacy of the Captain's ready
room. No sooner did that conversation finish before Lt. Arsee Ventu (terran)
arrive to warn Captain Phoenix and Lt. Cmdr Diamond of a message from the
Lieutenant's Mother, who was communicating from the future. The warning had
something to do with the current mission they were on.<br><br>
As if that wasn't enough. Lt. Cmdr Cura A Stone joined them all in the ready
room to warn Captain Phoenix about Lt. Van Ingen (NPC), the appointed observer
by Adrmial Decilla (NPC). Lt.Arsee Ventu suggested interviewing Lt. van Ingen
and finding out more about him. Captain Phoenix asked Lt. Cmdr Stone to
privately investigate Lt. van Ingen's past through the ship's link with Star
Fleet database. Not long after the ready room conversations, Captain Phoenix
had another growth spurt, which led to complications. CMO Dr. Harden arrived on
the scene and beamed her to sick bay. While this was going on, Counselor Arsee
Ventu met with Lt. van Ingen.<br><br>
In the meantime, the Victory docked at Deep Space Nine. Lt. Cmdr Diamond heads
to the Counselor's office to inform her of Captain Phoenix's last growth spurt
and calls Lt. Cmdr Stone to hear the same report. Lt. Cmdr Stone arrives at the
counselor's office and Lt. Commander Diamond divulges the Captain's condition
and her being confined to Sick Bay. In the meantime, in Sick Bay, Tina, Rena
(both NPC) and Dr. Harden decide that a massage treatment with mineral oils is
called for. The Captain is given a massage by Tina. Counselor Ventu and Lt.
Cmdr Stone promise to visit the Captain after hearing of her condition.<br><br>
While this is going on, Lt. Wadham takes care of getting provisions from Deep
Space Nine. Lt.Jacen Fanel prepares security for everything, posting men in
locations throughout the ship. Counselor Ventu visits the Captain in Sick Bay,
while Lt. Cmdr Stone heads to the bridge.<br><br>
Lt. Cmdr Diamond receives communication from USS Challenger about Captain
T'Penn's twins due to arrive shortly and the need for his medical assistance.
Lt. Cmdr Harden, CMO, brings up the idea of putting in a video feed of Gossport
Gally to Captain Phoenix's room in Sick Bay so she can keep informed of what's
going on. Lt. Cmdr Diamond and Lt. Cmdr Stone agreed that it's a good idea and
steps are made to see about getting it into place.<br><br>
Presently, the ship arrives at Bajor and arrangements are made to beam up the
Bajoran Delegation. In the meantime, Lt. Cmdr Diamond sets up a holographic
surgical room on Holodeck 1 with engineer, Lt. Hunnicutt. The Bajoran
Delegation beams up from the surface and Lt. Cmdr Stone and Bajoran Delegate,
Ambassador Prevot appear to recognize one another, but don't say anything to one
another. The Bajoran's are then escorted to their guest quarters on deck 6 by
Lt. Cmdr Stone and Lt. Jacen Fanel.<br><br>
===Stardate: 238310===
===Stardate: 238310===

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Lt.’s Chris Wadham and Ben Hunnicutt (Terrans) were getting the ship properly functioning when [[Victory_NPC_Listing#Admiral_Janice_Decilla|Admiral Janice Decilla]] (Terran) contacted the Acting CO, requesting their status and estimated time of arrival (ETA) at Starbase 118. Communications, helm and [[ma:Shields|shields]] were online as well as the [[ma:replicator|replicators]] Engineering’s problems were almost resolved; therefore, Cmdr. Stone reported an ETA of 5 hours.<br><br>
Lt.’s Chris Wadham and Ben Hunnicutt (Terrans) were getting the ship properly functioning when [[Victory_NPC_Listing#Admiral_Janice_Decilla|Admiral Janice Decilla]] (Terran) contacted the Acting CO, requesting their status and estimated time of arrival (ETA) at Starbase 118. Communications, helm and [[ma:Shields|shields]] were online as well as the [[ma:replicator|replicators]] Engineering’s problems were almost resolved; therefore, Cmdr. Stone reported an ETA of 5 hours.<br><br>

In [[Sickbay|sickbay]], Dr. Harden performed an [[wp:Electroencephalography|EEG]] (brain) and [[wp:Electrocardiogram|EKG]] (heart) on Cmdr. Diamond. The results were close enough to be called normal and later that same day she returned him to active duty.<br><br>
In Sickbay, Dr. Harden performed an [[wp:Electroencephalography|EEG]] (brain) and [[wp:Electrocardiogram|EKG]] (heart) on Cmdr. Diamond. The results were close enough to be called normal and later that same day she returned him to active duty.<br><br>

Sheila, Cmdr. Diamond’s pet [[Dragool]], had served as the diminutive captain’s transportation and guardian over the recent couple of days. While Captain Phoenix waited for the injection to take effect making her taller, Sheila was diagnosed as being with child.<br><br>
Sheila, Cmdr. Diamond’s pet [[Dragool]], had served as the diminutive captain’s transportation and guardian over the recent couple of days. While Captain Phoenix waited for the injection to take effect making her taller, Sheila was diagnosed as being with child.<br><br>
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Not believing him, Lt. Fanel fired on Mr. Diamond, the shots absorbed by the light saber Paul still held. The three made their way to [[ma:Sickbay|sickbay]], accompanied by a heavy discussion over Paul’s ability to stay in control and Cura’s perceived undermining of Fanel’s authority as Security Chief.<br><br>
Not believing him, Lt. Fanel fired on Mr. Diamond, the shots absorbed by the light saber Paul still held. The three made their way to [[ma:Sickbay|sickbay]], accompanied by a heavy discussion over Paul’s ability to stay in control and Cura’s perceived undermining of Fanel’s authority as Security Chief.<br><br>

Lt. Hunnicutt had cut the power to the engines but he had fried the [[ma:Warp|Warp engines]] to do it. Harden & Proud, after testing the [[Bio-Neural_Gelpack|gel packs]] and finding that they
Lt. Hunnicutt had cut the power to the engines but he had fried the [[ma:Warp|Warp engines]] to do it. Harden & Proud, after testing the [[ma:Bio-neural gel pack|gel packs]] and finding that they
were not infected nor the cause of the Victory's problems, set about fixing a few minor inconveniences like lights and a limited number of [[ma:Combadge|communication badges]].<br><br>
were not infected nor the cause of the Victory's problems, set about fixing a few minor inconveniences like lights and a limited number of [[ma:Combadge|communication badges]].<br><br>

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came to the rescue.<br><br>As the team returned to the ship, it had became clear Captain Jordan Hurne (terran) was missing. Although and investigation is currently continuing, no sign or explanation of his disappearance have been found so far. Although an unidentified code, possibly from Starfleet Intelligence, has been found in the Captain's last log and the primary transporter room. Also two mugs have been found in the Captain's quarters, suggesting Captain Hurne had at least one guest.
came to the rescue.<br><br>As the team returned to the ship, it had became clear Captain Jordan Hurne (terran) was missing. Although and investigation is currently continuing, no sign or explanation of his disappearance have been found so far. Although an unidentified code, possibly from Starfleet Intelligence, has been found in the Captain's last log and the primary transporter room. Also two mugs have been found in the Captain's quarters, suggesting Captain Hurne had at least one guest.

[[Category:Victory Mission Archive|*]]
[[Category:Victory Monthly Mission Report|*]]
[[Category:USS Victory]]
[[Category:USS Victory]]
