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  • "Their developed minds have made them evolve from the uncultured physical appearance of the Romulan and more like the Vulcan. They prefer to relate to Federation and Human ideals than Romulan."

Isn't this a bit of a racist viewpoint? The approach reminds me of phrenology.

I'm inclined to agree. Remember, Ambassador Spock was able to live on Romulus for many years without detection- while the show placed prominent forehead ridges on the Romulans to make it clear to us, the viewer, who they were, Romulans and Vulcans haven't lived apart for long enough to cause massive genetic differences in their makeup. It's much more likely that 'forehead ridged' Romulans are just one race of Romulans (and of Vulcans), much as humanity has many different races. So when we start heading down the route of 'evolved physical appearances' we're treading into dangerous waters. Isn't it enough to say that they're different? --AlleranTan 22:48, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
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