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{{Ribbon Info|Prantares Ribbon|<small>'''Medical'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Prantares Ribbon|<small>'''Medical'''</small><br>
Awarded to those medical officers who have moved beyond competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. The officers given this award should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Medical officers who have moved beyond standard competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. Officers awarded should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others. When they are not actively caring for patients, many doctors spend their time on duty undertaking medical research or familiarising themselves with the findings of previous medical studies. Like their colleagues in the Science department, they have utilised their specific abilities in cross department collaboration.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Natasha Yar Pin|<small>'''Security'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Natasha Yar Pin|<small>'''Security'''</small><br>
Named after the Chief of Security of the USS Enterprise-D, killed in the line of duty, this award is given to those Security officers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in protecting and preserving the lives of their crewmates, even at risk to their own.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Security personnel who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to safeguard and preserve their crewmates' lives, even at the danger of their own. As an investigator, police officer, and soldier, the Security officer must be intimately familiar with all of Starfleet's armaments as well as many other styles of hand-to-hand combat. To ensure adequate duty fulfillment, the Security officer must also be well-versed in Diplomacy and Legislation. Named after the USS Enterprise-Chief D's of Security, who was killed in the line of duty.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Voyager Medallion|<small>'''Operations'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Voyager Medallion|<small>'''Operations'''</small><br>
Named after the USS Voyager, this award is presented to those Operations officers who have shown great skill in keeping a starship in working order despite near-impossible circumstances. The officers receiving this award have advanced the field of Operations, making sure duty rosters, provisions, gear, and even recreation time are available... no matter what.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Operations officers who have shown great skill in keeping a starship in working order despite near-impossible circumstances. The officers receiving this award have advanced the field of Operations, have acted as the liaison between the Command, Science, and Engineering departments, and are technically proficient in operations maintenance, making sure duty rosters, provisions, gear, and even recreation time are available... no matter what. |RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Sisko Tactical Cross|<small>'''Tactical'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Sisko Tactical Cross|<small>'''Tactical'''</small><br>
This award is given to those Tactical officers who have shown cunning and bravery in battle. Master strategists, and experts in targeting and shield power distribution, these officers have done the impossible to save their ship and the lives of its crew.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Tactical officers who have shown cunning and bravery in battle, including supporting their colleagues in Security, liaising with other departments, and showing the ability to think strategically in a tense situation. Master tacticians, and experts in targeting and shield power distribution, these officers have done the impossible to save their ship and the lives of its crew.
{{Ribbon Info|Phoenix Award|<small>'''Engineering'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Phoenix Award|<small>'''Engineering'''</small><br>
Named for the vessel that legendary engineer Zefram Cochrane piloted during his historic first warp flight, this award goes to those Engineering officers who continue this tradition of excellence in the field of engineering. By performing their tasks with enthusiasm, imagination and diligence, by managing to make their equipment perform above and beyond its rated capacities, the officers meriting this award further the mission of their ship by their superior know-how. In short, miracle workers.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Engineering officers who continue this tradition of excellence in the field of engineering. Named for the vessel that legendary engineer Zefram Cochrane piloted during his historic first warp flight. By performing their tasks with enthusiasm, imagination and diligence, by managing to make their equipment perform above and beyond its rated capacities, the officers meriting this award further the mission of their ship by their superior know-how. In short, miracle workers.
{{Ribbon Info|Cochrane Award|<small>'''Science'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Cochrane Award|<small>'''Science'''</small><br>
Given to those Science officers who have contributed greatly to the advance of science in the midst of their Starfleet career, by staying knowledgeable about their field, participating in the community of science, but most importantly, by placing their knowledge at the service of their ship and its mission.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Science officers who have contributed greatly to the advance of science in the midst of their Starfleet career, by staying knowledgeable about their field, participating in the community of science, but most importantly, by placing their knowledge at the service of their ship and its mission. They have performed weird and wonderful feats of scientific innovation and ingenuity, enabling their commanding officer to make those informed decisions.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Pilot's Sextant|<small>'''Helm'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Pilot's Sextant|<small>'''Helm'''</small><br>
An award both named and shaped after an old Earth navigational tool, the Pilot's Sextant is given to those Helm officers who have proven themselves to be the best of the best. From finding a safe route home to flying an emergency atmospheric landing, pilots who have earned the right to this award know the importance of staying focused, and puts their ability to make spectacular maneuvers at the service of their ship and its mission.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Helm officers who have proven themselves to be the best of the best, dedicating themselves to improving their specialisation. From finding a safe route home to flying an emergency atmospheric landing, pilots who have earned this award know the importance of staying focused on their task at hand, and place their ability to make spectacular maneuvers at the service of their ship and its mission.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Order of the Valiant Heart|<small>'''Counseling'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Order of the Valiant Heart|<small>'''Counseling'''</small><br>
This award is given to those ship's Counselors who have shown great skill in protecting the mental health of their crewmates, clearly demonstrating superior ability to care, assist, and comfort those in need. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty in assisting their crewmates with their problems, and in preventing future problems from occurring.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Counselors who have demonstrated exceptional expertise in preserving their crewmates' mental health, clearly exhibiting excellent capacity to care for, support, and soothe those in need. They have gone above and beyond the line of duty in supporting their crewmates with their problems, and preventing future issues for the good of the officer, and the good of the ship.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Semper Fidelis Award|<small>'''Marines'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Semper Fidelis Award|<small>'''Marines'''</small><br>
For those StarFleet Marines who have shown great skill in protecting their crew, accomplishing their mission, avoiding tragic loss of life in the line of duty, and upholding the values of the UFoP in times of crisis.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Starfleet Marines who have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in defending their crew, completing their mission, averting terrible loss of life in the line of duty, and maintaining the United Federation of Planets' principles in times of crisis. Their knowledge of Starfleet equipment and armaments is second to none and their dedication to the mission is only surpassed by their leadership abilities, courage, and dependability..|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Black Cross|<small>'''Intelligence'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Black Cross|<small>'''Intelligence'''</small><br>
This award is given to a member of the Intelligence community who strives to accomplish the goals of Starfleet Intelligence, while simultaneously upholding the ideals and structure of Starfleet command. This person has the cunning to gather intelligence by means of deceptive dialogue or espionage, as opposed to force drawn confessions. While matters of intelligence are often game changers, this person strives to attain those goals within the boundaries of their Commanding Officer, and the regulations of Starfleet.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to Intelligence officers who strive to accomplish the goals of Starfleet Intelligence while simultaneously upholding the ideals and structure of Starfleet Command. They display the ability to obtain intelligence through deceptive dialogue or espionage rather than forced admissions. While intelligence is frequently a game changer, this individual attempts to achieve those aims within the constraints of their commanding Officer and Starfleet laws. They are experts in research and diplomacy, as well as reconnaissance and communication.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Lwaxana Troi Medallion|<small>'''Non-Traditional'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Lwaxana Troi Medallion|<small>'''Non-Traditional'''</small><br>
This award is given to a member who takes on a unique and non-traditional role outside of the normal Starfleet positions, while creating a colorful and engaging character such as, but not limited to: diplomat, civilian or mission specialist.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
Awarded to members who take on a unique and non-traditional role outside of the normal Starfleet positions, while creating a colorful and engaging character such as, but not limited to: Diplomat, Civilian or Mission Specialist. They have integrated into the crew and made their chosen specialist position an invaluable resource for their ship.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes}}
{{Ribbon Info|Strange Medallion|<small>'''First Officer'''</small><br>
{{Ribbon Info|Strange Medallion|<small>'''First Officer'''</small><br>
Awarded to executive officers who perform above the call of duty.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes|SECOND RECIPIENT=Serala}}
Awarded to First Officers in the fleet who are consistently dependable, perform above the call of duty in their position, and excel not only in simming, but also in their dedicated Out of Character activities. Those awarded are regarded as leaders who excel in their facilitation of their crew, raising the bar and lifting up simmers to the podium. Named after Commander Sally Strange, widely known as one of the most creative and dedicated First Officers in the fleet's early years.|RECENT RECIPIENT=Yes|SECOND RECIPIENT=Serala}}

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