
Revision as of 00:06, 23 February 2019 by Pholin (talk | contribs) (Adding after discussion with all Denobulan PCs in the fleet.)
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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code DENO
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Denobula
Encountered ENT: Broken Bown
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N (spacefaring)
List of Named Denobulans

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The Denobulans are a humanoid species from Denobula in the Denobula Triaxa system.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location: Boötes constellation[1]
  • Proper Name: Denobula Triaxa system
  • Star: Trinary stars - one G-class star, two F-class stars
  • Distance from Star:
  • Companions: None - Denobula is the sole planet[2]
  • Moons:

Home World

  • Proper Name: Denobula
  • Diameter:
  • Gravity:
  • Axial Tilt:
  • Orbital Period:
  • Rotational Period:
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water:
  • Atmosphere:
  • Climate:
  • Terrain:
  • Population:


Long ago, the Denobulans believed they were the only intelligent species in the galaxy. First contact with the B'Saari would alter this perception.

Denobulans have fought several wars against the Antaran race. The last one was during the late 17th century. Denobulan battle tactics killed 20 million Antarans, and over time, the Denobulans demonized the Antarans and made them a faceless enemy. As of the 22nd century, there were still some Denobulans that hated Antarans, although most have outgrown the hatred.

By 2378, the Denobulans had cemented themselves firmly as a member species of the United Federation of Planets. The joining of Denobula is still a cause for debate especially among the youth. Many who were young or nonexistent during the addition of Denobula, now firmly oppose it. [3]



Denobulans have prominent facial ridges running down either side of the forehead to the cheeks, an enlarged brow ridge under a high receding hairline, a vertical crevice in the center of the forehead and a ridged chin. They also have a ridges on their back, along the spine. Their toenails are dark brown in color, and they grow so rapidly that they must be groomed once a week. Denobulans also have very long tongues, and they use tongue scrapers. Denobulan males have a line of hair down the middle of their chest, up to their throat.

Denobulans also have a unique ability to enlarge their face. This is an instinct for when they feel threatened.


Denobulans normally require very little sleep, but they do hibernate for five to six days each year (two is sufficient) and they do not talk during meals, as they consider it a waste of time.

A minor percentage of the population has a genetic mutation causing the loss of the characteristic "chin ridge", this is also known to happen among hybrids. Those without a chin ridge find it easier to grow facial hair, although it is possible for those without the mutation.[4]






Denobulans are typically polygamous, where a man typically has three wives, who each have three husbands. This creates extremely large extended families - as such, it is possible for one Denobulan to have 720 familial relationships, 42 with romantic possibilities. Marriages are not exclusive, and married Denobulans can be intimate with anyone they choose. The females emit powerful pheromones and mating, known as jaa-uu-gah, can require medical supervision. Denobulans typically prefer to be amongst large groups and find solitude uncomfortable.

Amongst Denobulans, it is considered healthy for a person to hallucinate, as it is seen a harmless way to release nervous energy.





Federation Intelligence Files


  1. Denobula Traixa, Memory Beta
  2. Denobula, Star Trek Database
  3. "All Day, Every Day", Ensign Pholin Duyzer, USS Columbia, 239512.18
  4. Pholin Duyzer - genetic mutation with facial hair, Groznin Smith - hybrid without the chin ridge.
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Memory Alpha