Currently Assigned to the USS Challenger

AMTR'A - Operations Officer
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Erathian, with Thalaxian infusion
  • Age: 24
  • Eye color: Green
  • Hair Color: Red

Homeworld: Erath (Erath is a world in a system on the most extreme edge of the milky way galaxy alpha quadrant, it has developed amazingly closely to Earth in one of those strange cosmic co-incidences. Erath is an anagram of "Earth")

Physical Appearance: Average build, fair-skinned, with short hair, close cropped. On his head, is a red, miniature, "half"-pantograph, like that found on the power car of an Acela Express trainset, on Earth(and Erath). It is usually in the retracted position, unless needed.

Personality: Straightforward. Enjoys a good joke, now and then, but while on duty, is all business. He can be quite social and friendly, a great asset in situations requiring diplomacy and tact.

Strengths: Excellent skills with most phaser types, adept at hand-to-hand combat, above-average diplomatic skills well-honed problem solving skills.

Weaknesses: Tendency to lose temper, after consuming too much alcohol, prone to fastidiousness about pantograph

Ambitions: To be the best Starfleet Security Officer and one day command his own Starship.

Hobbies:Running, most physical sports and martial-arts sparring, enjoys holodeck adventures as well.

History: Am'tra was born, Al'in Ro'iim in Le'es, De'ar, to Wal'ir and For'en Ro'iim, in Erath's 20th Century. El'za had 3 other siblings, Rol'in, Le'an, and Den'iis, each approximately 5-6 years apart, with Al'in being the oldest. Al'in stayed in Le'es for about 24 years, then moved to Was'ton and soon began working for the Continent-wide ground transportation service, Am'tra, until one fateful day, when he was transformed, through an infusion, initiated by an unknown species, called Thalaxians.

That day started out normally, with Mr Ro'iim, now aged 24, beginning his day at the Acel'a Express maintenance facility, Iv'i City, Was'ton. He was one of the electricians, who regularly maintained the pantographs on the power cars of the Acel'a Express trainsets. Everything went smoothly, until about 3:30 pm, when, as Ro'iim was replacing the carbon strips on a trainset's pantographs, a large, cloaked, Thalaxian "science vessel" settled into a geosynchonous orbit, undetected by the world's atmospheric sensor systems. The vessel, settled over the Iv'i City facility, right above the area where Ro'iim was working. Al'in had no idea what was about to transpire.

Suddenly, an enormous, intense blue bolt of energy, streaked downward, through the building's roof, struck the power car's slightly raised pantograph, just as Al'in grasped the end of the pantograph's "head". The bolt traveled along the head, through Al'in's hand, straight up, to the top of Al'in's head! The sheer force of the beam's impact, stunned Ro'iim, causing him to let go of the head. The beam settled, formed a small "vortex", then retreated back up, through the pantograph, up to the vessel. The retreating beam left something behind - a miniature, bright red, retracted pantograph, exactly like the one on the power car! Not only that, Ro'iim had grown a foot taller! He was now 7'6", instead of 6'6". Al'in was thrown about five feet backward, landing on the roof of the next car!

When Al'in came to, a tall, blue-skinned, robed man stood across from him, in the car's roof, startling him. The man identified himself as Zo'lan of Thalax and proceeded to explain his presence and what was done to him. He then gave him a transparent container, carrying an isolinear chip. This contained all the information need to confirm what had been done to Al'in.

This infusion, which was a type of DNA transfer/blending is what triggered the appearance of the miniature pantograph. That was the byproduct of the "source-beam" passing through the power car's pantograph, which acted as the beam's conductor/conduit. As a result of the DNA's infusion, Al'in now had many of the same attributes of the Thalaxian race. the only two major differences were retention of original skin/hair/eye color and the "addition" of the pantograph, which also consisted of living tissue, despite it looking and feeling like a pantograph. One of the attributes acquired was an extended lifespan - aging one Thalaxian year, for every one HUNDRED Erathian years.

Another "change" was that, upon infusion, the individual takes on a name, denoting the outward sign of the infusion. Al'in was given the name, "Am'tra", for the pantograph was part of Am'tra's Acel'a Express trainset's power car! The family, friends and co-workers had to address him by that new name. As Am'tra discovered the full potential of his abilities, some of which manifested, only when he raised his pantograph, by his will. Am'tra continued working for Am'tra, while "moonlighting" as an independent, "peace officer". . By the time Starfleet was formed, on Earth, Am'tra was already centuries old, yet appeared to be in his mid-20s. He still hesitated to join as he felt there was more to do.

Finally, one year, after a particularly harrowing year, Am'tra, became restless and disillusioned with life, as a whole and fdelt there was both excitement and adventure, among the stars. He had heard about the academy, on Earth and subsequently, Am'tra applied for and was accepted to Starfleet Academy, majoring in Ship and Planetary Security. His Academy years were a challenge, both to Am'tra and the staff, for whenever he raised his pantograph, he would become as fast and powerful as the high-speed train she used to work on! Am'tra eventually graduated with a grade point average equivalent of 3.5. Upon graduation, Am'tra was assigned to a small, Steamrunner-class vessel, until he received transfer orders to his new assignment,

Notes: Am'tra is NOT immortal, despite his special abilities. He still needs to raise his pantograph to use them. One way to prevent access to his special abilities, is to physically restrict the raising of his pantograph. Plus, Am'tra can be hurt, just like anyone else, but he is able to "heal", by auto-regenerating his pantograph, if damaged or destroyed, or through modified regenerators "tuned" to his pantograph's "DNA".