Memory Book/Sky Blake (Deliera Jay)

I'm Deliera Jay, and I play - well, that's if I'm not playing a heap of PNPCs - Skyleena Blake.


I seem to have a habit of creating a lot of PNPCs, but my main PC is Skyleena (who is otherwise known as "Sky", "Lee", "Leena", or just plain "Blake" as a lot of people know).

Sky is . . . how do I put it? . . . a pain sometimes. While she is working on her issues, she can still cause a lot of trouble.

Real Life information

In real life, I'm a good writer - I write as a hobby. I sing in a chior which has got me far in music, I play piano and I also play guitar. I live with my friend Rhiannan, but when Dad's gone somewhere with work, I go back home and help mum out around the house. This includes things like helping my younger brother with his homework, help clean the house, attempting to keep the pool a color that is preferably not green - which I have succeeded at doing a lot, actually.

My profession is pretty much music. I go to different schools and help out music teachers and students there. I spend a lot of time at high schools in Victoria (Australia, 'cause that's where we ride on Kangaroos (lol)). Although I'm still learning guitar chords and trying to dodge horrible finger-tying issues on the piano, the students and teachers find me easy to work with.

I used to be a runner until an incident broke my left leg badly. I won't get into details, but both bones in my leg had really bad jagged edges (it was like a jagged spiral twist in my bones, one just below the knee, and one just above the ankle). It took me about six months to walk again, and it has left me with a permanent limp - not that you really notice it unless it's pointed out - and I also get pain if I leave it in the one spot for too long - like a long car trip. It doesn't stop me from doing cartwheels and short sprints, though, so I still keep in shape (if you thought I didn't, I'm horrified).

At some points in time, I DJ functions with the help of my dad, mostly because he's been doing it for much longer than I have and most of the time I freak out when the computer freezes and deletes a play list right before the function.

How you came to UFOP: SB118

It wasn't actually me who came across SB118, it was my friend Deanna Jerman. She plays Renae Sullivan, and I think she kept on talking about it. In the end, she begged me (literally begged me on her hands and knees) to join up. I think she got the vibe that we were going to be posted on the same ship.


  • Where were you first placed? What was it like starting to sim on your vessel?

I was first placed on the USS Challenger-A, under Captain Tel-ar and Commander Lawn - who was obviously the First Officer. We had a few issues of me, not getting onto the IC group, and then I was accidently taken off the OOC. Luckily, my fantastic FO who was more than willing to help, fixed up the problem in less then an hour.

I started simming, and I remember my very first department head was Major deMarc, whom I had trained with in my Cadet class. It was a real shock that he was going to be the head of my department. Unfortunately, soon after he started simming, he stopped simming during the middle of an away mission to a planet. After a day or two, it was decided that Lieutenant Parker, who was in charge of Tactical at that point in time, was to take over both Security and Tactical.

I had a few issues trying to jump into the IC action at the start. It was noted by my Captain that I was putting in some diologe in my sims and answering my tags, but I wasn't really getting into the action. I wasn't putting in ideas, and my tags were kind of suffering. SO: Captain Tel-ar brought in a new character: Klingon Cadet Kov'In. Sigh. Go search him up on the Challenger's Yahoo! Group . . .

  • What have been your greatest challenges in this group?

Patience. I have an issue of sitting in front of my laptop during holidays because I have nothing else to do, and I literally sit there pleading in my thoughts: "Somebody post. Please somebody post? I want to read something new." I have more or less broken this habit by snooping around other ship's Yahoo! Groups and finding out what's happening there, or I go on the inactive ships groups' and see history. My favourite inactive group is the Challenger and the Challenger-A; mostly because there's a lot of history that I'm unaware about and mostly because I want to see what has happened just before I arrived . . . like Parker's relationship with Kamela . . .

  • What have been your greatest achievements in this group?

Writing, writing and more writing. Oh, and character development! ;)

Really, my greatest achievement is actually getting here. I have written with a lot of great people here, and it's really widened my knowledge of how other people write. Not to mention that every time I see something I don't understand, I run for a dictionary . . . this is what happens when you don't take classes on creative or narrative writing.

  • What do you hope to ultimately accomplish?

I don't actually know . . .

  • Where do you see this group in five years?

This group? In five years? THE MOST USED PBEM STAR TREK RPG!!!!!

Writing the fun with Writers

I've had the pleasure of learning and socializing with a lot of talented people, but my time in SB118 has been fantastic! Nothing beats the good read of a post from one of my crewmates in the morning. I love reading what our characters get up to.

It's not just that, too. I keep trying - well, maybe pushing, but just a little! I swear! - to make sure that all the players attempt to socialize on the ship's OOC thread. Wheather that means that I "demand" how the day is for everyone, or suggesting a new plot twist for everyone to say, or giving the unwanted idea of if Deven and Parker don't behave themselves, Sky'll do something they don't want to do at all! It's seemed to have worked and it's put a lot of conversation in. We have a lot of fun on the OOC thread, and there are rarely any fights.

Not only that, but I talk to a few of the crew members on the forums too. We have discussions involving . . . well, everything. What we look like IC, the current mission, things like that.