Cura Assanti/StarFleet Records

< Cura Assanti
Revision as of 13:33, 25 October 2008 by Tonton123 (talk | contribs)

Official Star Fleet Records on Cmdr Cura Assanti


  • Height: 5 feet 7.5 inches
  • Weight: 130 lbs.
  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Length of Hair: Long, straight and silky. Stop wearing the curls a long while ago.
  • Eye Color: One black and one blue (right is blue)
  • Skin Tone: Tanned
  • Birthmarks, Scars: How many? Where?
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: How many? Where? What do they look like?
  • Build: Medium build, slightly for her height.
  • Face: round, large features.
  • Eyes: Eyes set somewhat wide with dark eyebrows
  • Mouth: full lips.
  • Arms: slender and long
  • Legs: strong and long.
  • Carriage: Walks with srong, purposeful strides.
  • Poses: Paces when nervous with hands on hips.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): leather pants, black, dark attaire.
  • Shoes: Wears leather boots
  • Voice: When on duty, her voice is usually loud, authorative and stern. When off duty, her voice tends to be softer and full of compassion and emotion
  • Handedness: Right handed.

Not assigned


Cura Sakara Assanti

  • Gender: Female
  • Position: Inactive
  • Rank: Captain (resigned)
  • Race: Betazoid/Argelian
  • Partner: John Stone (divorced)
  • Children: John Stone, Jr.

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Post: Commanding Officer

Species: Betazoid/Argelian

Gender: Female

Born: 236006.28.12:01 PM

Place of Birth: Argelius II, Acura City

Cmdr. Cura Assanti served under the command of Fleet Captain Xan Hebron as an Ensign and left his Command at Lt. Cmdr. During that tour of duty, she moved from Assistant Helm/Com/Ops, to Science and then to Counselor. Due to reassignment, Lt. Cmdr Cura Assanti then returned to her first love of Helm/Com/Ops at Starbase 118 under the command of Captain Steven McCall. After a shift in command on the Starbase, Lt. Cmdr Assanti was again reassigned, pthis time aboard the USS Victory under Captain Phoenix. She served as Chief Science Officer aboard the Victory until it was decomissioned. From there, Lt. Cmdr Assanti was assigned to Starbase 118 as the stations Second Officer. However, due to an attack on the station, the acting first officer, Paul Diamond, a very good friernd of Lt. Cmdr Assasnti's, was serious injured and as medically unable to return to the post of First Officer. Captain Rocar Drawoh appointed Lt. Cmdr Assanti as the First Officer at that time. Nearly 3 years after the attack on the station, Lt. Cmdr Cura Assanti was upranked to Commander by Fleet Captain Rocar Drawoh after the mission to Esogonut. Then, a year after her upranking to Commander, Cura Assanti was given command of the USS Indria. Their mission was to find and locate a cloaked planet and protect the inhabitants and the technology from falling into the hands of the Romulans.

The 3 month mission was hard on the crew, took lives, but they managed to return a little wiser about the Darians and the hidden planet of Darius Prime.