Lhandon Nilsen/Mission: Cheyd'lang


Nilsen on the bridge of the OEB, early 2401

Prior to this mission. Nilsen settles into his new quarters on the USS Octavia E. Butler, and his new role as Assistant chief of Operations[1]. His career so far has involve a series of intense experiences, including a shared mindscape, a Bajoran inquisition, and a promotion. He slowly begins to feel at home as he settles into his quarters and discovers a mysterious, thoughtfully wrapped gift—a model of the USS Oumuamua. The detailed model fills him with nostalgia, and he joyfully plays with it. Finally, he finds the perfect spot to display the model, making a dream come true by performing a barrel roll with it, Something he never got to do with real ship. [2]

He also displayed his old Echo Squad jacket, a symbol of his past and his career path. Determined to organize his achievements, he built a custom display case for his medals, meticulously crafting compartments and finishing it with varnish and a glass door. His reflection on the diplomacy award triggered memories of that challenging day. Curious about his new mission, Lhandon researched the Cheyd'lang and the United Dominion of Planets, scrutinizing their history and culture. Despite the sparse information, he identified potential negotiation angles, driven by a desire to excel and avoid criticism from Commander Etan. [3]

This mission would help Nilsen find out that he is interested in developing his diplomatic skills.

Act One - The Kings Path

Nilsen embarked on his first mission since his transformative experience on Alpha Brenkelvi II, where he acted as a conduit for ancient Bajorans, earning him a diplomacy award. Accompanied by Etan, Sherlock, and Toz, they arrived at the village of Tran’Haleth in the Somatrik Mountains on Cheyd'lang. Nilsen, tasked with scanning the area, appreciated the outdoors and the new TriPADD's efficiency. He speculated on the villagers' motives and noticed signs of agricultural struggle. As they prepared to meet the King's Path representative, Nilsen suspected they were being observed. [4]

As they approached the guarded Cheydalanga, their encounter was tense, with Etan leading introductions, emphasizing their peaceful mission. Despite initial hostility, Nilsen's rural diplomacy skills came into play, advocating for mutual honesty, referencing his experiences with the Dominion on Gault to build rapport. This impulsive but sincere approach aimed to foster trust and ensure the team's mission proceeded on the right foot. [5] Unfortunately, the Kings Path had no intention of listening, and instead, planned, and succeeded in taking the away team as slaves. [6] He soon starts to kick himself that he didn't notice the Chey'd use of third person pronouns. He eventually dismissed the doubt after this mission as he found out that there was nothing he could have done to talk his way out of that trapped. The away team begin plotting their escape [7]

With their weapons, communicators, and PADDs confiscated, the team had gathered useful intel about their surroundings, including potential exits and the guards' lax security. Lhandon proposed creating a distraction, leveraging his negotiation skills, but Sherlock doubted its effectiveness. Toz suggested a dark corner for hiding, and Sherlock advocated for exploring further to understand their environment. They were ushered into a mine, and Lhandon speculated about using the language barrier to their advantage and noted cables leading to the lights, hinting at a possible escape route. Despite his outward attempts at humour and calm, he worried about their predicament and the people he cared about, but remained determined to find a way out. [8]

As they descended into a mine, Lhandon observed the malnourished Chey’d and resolved to help them escape. The team, without weapons or communicators, discussed plans in Klingon, considering how to use their limited resources. They also make their first contact with the Antani. Later they discover the leaves that they had been growing can enhance ones telepathic ability and give a limited version to non-telepaths. Lhandon's abilities reacted very well to the leaves.[9][10]

At one point, his thoughts drifted to Arlill hoping that he would know they were missing and could do something about it while Sherlock found she was unable to get any benefits from the leaves. Nilsen is able to communicate that the Antani are getting ready to move [11]

In an act with helped to repair their relationship, Etan refered to Nilsen as Lhando, his nickname. The team prepared for a possible escape with Antani's help, gathering rocks as potential weapons. A hostile guard demanded Etan accompany him, which Lhandon instinctively resisted, but Etan complied to avoid escalation. Lhandon utilized his developing telepathic abilities, enhanced by Antani leaves, to communicate their plans and visualize the bat'leth Toz had smuggled in. [12]

Act Two - Jailbird

At the start of this Act, Sherlock is taken away, and this leaves just Nilsen and Dr Toz. The two started to work closer with the Antani [13]In the stifling heat and grime of the cave, Nilsen and Toz struggled with the grueling forced labor. His uniform torn and his hands cut, Nilsen conversed with Antani and he tentatively interpreted the message as a directive to wait. Despite their dire circumstances and Nilsen's hunger, he maintained his humour to boost morale. When two guards approached menacingly, Nilsen impulsively suggested an attack plan to Toz, trusting her judgment completely as they faced the decision to either fight or wait. [14]

With their commanders, Etan and Sherlock, possibly dead or missing, they resolved to escape and free the other slaves. Nilsen and Toz initiated an attack on their guards, resulting in a fight where Nilsen subdued one of the Chey'd. Their actions inadvertently sparked a slave revolt, aided by the Antani who joined the fight and defeated the guards. After the battle, Nilsen communicated with the Antani through mental images, seeking their help to find Commander Etan and asking for a safe place for the freed slaves. The Antani agreed, and they prepared to follow their new allies to safety. [15] his face was heavily bruised and his ribs were hurt in this fight.

Despite the pain from a fight with the Chey'd, Nilsen introduced himself and Toz to the Antani, who confirmed their friendship. The Antani communicated that they didn't know the whereabouts of the commander but offered to help. Toz tended to Nilsen's injuries while they discussed their next steps. They followed the Antani through tunnels to the Queen's grand chamber. Nilsen respectfully communicated their situation and requested assistance in finding their commander and freeing other slaves. The Antani Queen responded positively, and Nilsen, expressed gratitude and outlined their needs, despite his pain. [16] They theorised that they might be able to reach Etan via the leaves [17] and the Queen explains that the honey can enhance that connection

The Queen reveals through mental images that Etan is with the King's Path and in great danger, suggesting that the path to help is challenging and that Etan might hold a key to their success. As they discuss their next steps, the situation becomes dire when hissing sounds indicate a new threat. Nilsen deduces that a poisonous gas is being released, endangering everyone in the lair. The Antani Queen orders everyone to flee. Toz quickly administers atropine to herself and Nilsen as an antidote. They scramble to find a way to save the Queen and themselves from the gas. Nilsen proposes using oxygen or creating an air filter, and they prepare to escort the Queen out of the mine, ensuring her safety as they continue their mission to rescue Etan. [18] With the Queen's sudden effort, she begins to rise above the poisonous gas. Nilsen grabs a container of honey mentioned earlier and, along with Toz, clings to the Queen's abdomen as they ascend to a higher tunnel, escaping the gas.[19]

As Nilsen and Toz fly through the tunnels on the Antani Queen; The Queen, calling them "little ones," warns them of the dangerous path ahead to Alto'Belaranto. Nilsen and Toz discuss rescuing the slaves, with Toz confident they can succeed since the slaves would fight for freedom. Suddenly, the Queen crashes through a wall into a new room, knocking out their captor, Alto. Nilsen ties him up and they search the room, finding their communicators. Relieved, Nilsen tries to contact their ship, but the signal can't penetrate the rock. Nilsen then suggests using the broadcast equipment in the room to send a message, hoping the Starfleet ship monitors it. He expalins the risks However, this risky plan might alert the King's Path to their location. [20]

Nilsen appears on the broadcast, bruised and injured, identifying himself and giving their coordinates. He explains their situation: captured by the King's Path, working in the mine, now assisted by the Antani after a gas attack. He mentions Etan and Sherlock are missing, and shows the recovered combadges.

As banging on the door indicates the Chey’d are trying to break in, Nilsen pleads for anyone who sees the broadcast to inform their ship. With no way to know if the message reaches the OEB, they can only hope it works.[21] Lhandon will later comment after the mission that the rescue was a blur and he doesn't remember much

Act Three - Diplomatic Talks

After some recovery time and painkillers, Nilsen returns to duty and is given a different, and most likely a safer assignment, negotiate an agreement to work together with the UDP. With the UDP representatives more open than ever to the idea of extending the relationship with the federation to some sort of alliance, or at least to avoidance of future aggression, Nilsen is teamed up with Cmdr Katsim and Ensign Yinn. The goal; secure the possibility of a future alliance.

In the briefing room, Commander Katsim Peri introduces Ensign Yinn and Lieutenant Nilsen to their UDP counterpart, Fraya. Nilsen feels the meeting starts awkwardly, with Commander Peri hesitating. Despite his initial negative impression of Yinn, Nilsen's perspective has shifted after their shared experience as slaves. Katsim begins the discussion, expressing hope for an accord between their organizations. Nilsen emphasizing the need to address many issues before reaching an agreement and highlights the importance of honesty, referencing past interactions where the UDP has been straightforward with Starfleet. He cites examples of the UDP's integrity, such as their choice to assist rather than exploit technology from the Caboto. Nilsen draws a parallel to his family's experience with the Ferengi Agricultural Consortium, underscoring the value of honest negotiations. Seeking to foster a genuine dialogue, Nilsen urges both sides to be brutally honest about their needs and concerns. He stresses that mutual honesty is crucial for this potential alliance to succeed. [22]

Fraya highlights the need to overcome biases and prove their intentions through actions, and Nilsen agrees. Nilsen and Katsim propose forming an official alliance as a tangible step forward. Fraya's concern about differing fundamental values prompts Nilsen to draw parallels with the Federation's successful alliance with the Klingon Empire, despite significant cultural differences. After asking Cmdr Katsim if he could call a big shot; Nilsen suggests demonstrating cooperation by jointly aiding the survivors of the King's Path mine. He proposes involving the UDP in the rescue and recovery efforts to show trust and collaboration. He offers to integrate a UDP representative into the Operations Center, likening it to a cultural gesture of trust from his home on Gault. This proposal, he hopes, will affirm their commitment to working together and dispel any notions of the Federation seeking dominance. This moment was a big step forward for Nilsen. He was able to show that he could hold back and control his impuluse, seeking the approve from Katsim first before diving into a situation. [23]

The conversation shifts to discussing specific agreements, such as mutual respect for UDP member worlds and potential trade partnerships. Fraya insists on clear communication and pre-approval for visits to UDP worlds, citing historical tensions from the Dominion War. Nilsen agrees that such terms would likely be acceptable to Federation superiors and highlights the importance of trade as a foundation for the alliance. [24] An agreement is reached and the discussion ends on a positive note with drinks.

The group then move into the operations centre; In the Operations Center, Nilsen showcases the capabilities of the facility, including real-time translations and data displays. He updates the team on evacuation efforts and proposes converting additional modules to accommodate the influx of former slaves. Seeking Fraya's input, Nilsen demonstrates his respect and commitment to making this work. [25]

Lhandon navigates a conversation with Fraya about the long-term implications of refugee support. He realizes his mistake in asking about the Rij’dal’vak and is relieved when Katsim and Yinn support him. Fraya questions the Federation's plans for the refugees, prompting a discussion about future solutions. Lhandon acknowledges his uncertainty but focuses on immediate actions to provide aid. He coordinates with the team and prepares to assist refugees. [26]

As Fraya challenges the Federation's approach, Lhandon finds himself impressed by her fairness. With Katsim's support, they brainstorm solutions, including using holodecks for additional housing. Lhandon communicates with Herrick via his PADD, and Tox Morse code, considering how to help Tox's team in the mine. He proposes a joint camp with the Chey'd government, but their plans are interrupted by a yellow alert. [27] Fraya questions the situation, prompting Lhandon's honesty about his communications with the SARs team. Despite the chaos, Lhandon coordinates efforts to secure guests and gather medical supplies. Fraya and Yinn collaborate on refugee resettlement plans before departing, while external threats loom. Concerned for the SARs team, Lhandon grapples with the urge to act impulsively but ultimately trusts Katsim's leadership. [28] [29]

  1. JP: Lt. Arlill, LTJG. Nilsen, CWO3 Prachett, PO1 Paradi, PO1 Isslai, LTJG Hansen, PO3 Whittaker: Ops, Fall In! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/w4dUuohOOfI
  2. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - New Digs - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/SvDrXKOliMc/m/vh73S2lWAgAJ
  3. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Diplomacy?…Really? - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/ztkT91oryJI
  4. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of A Tentative Teleporting - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/C4B_S1MMGQc
  5. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Be Honest Fully - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/7BN6bzAuSTI
  6. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - The Golden Door - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/5htcFT0YMxw
  7. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Applied Lessons - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/voFwZWWEdZI
  8. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Dungeons and (not) Dragons. -https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/7NgzKBamOfc
  9. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - A New Friend - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/8h9UCSYAGVk
  10. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - You got a friend in me - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/Z88h0-6FJhc
  11. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - You Up There Bro? - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/0CLR-6Vd7E4
  12. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - A Bat'leth Wielding Paladin - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/4DeyXl085e4
  13. [Act 2] LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - This Sucks - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/Xggmoq_FDW0
  14. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - I’m Hungry - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/zALUdJOnswM
  15. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - We Didn’t Start The Fire! It Was Always Burning. - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/GIvzT2YBINM
  16. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - YASSSS QUEEN! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/B7ojOPmDZbk
  17. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - The Leaves? - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/obGz0jKjxHk
  18. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - The Time Honored Tradition Of The Helmsman being Drafted As A Nurse! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/Fu1cqEDvkVI
  19. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Come Fly With Me! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/Z-BHy-Mkv9k
  20. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - The Room We Saw Before. - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/5bYq1WfWlT8
  21. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Live From Chey’d’lang! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/6tXSChyPapA
  22. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Be Brutally Honest - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/mcRxrnbFXMk
  23. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Commander. Can I call a big shot? - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/FabBTMdyl6o
  24. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Not A Contract, Just My Notes -https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/IRMC0OHGgcY
  25. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Teamwork Makes The Dream Work - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/dDzeX7nasdQ
  26. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - I Don’t Know The Answer To That Question! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/Vcz9OZO3Xbg
  27. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - PADD Kid - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/ZE8m6bS-jCw
  28. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Today, Lhandon Is A Good Starfleet Officer…But He Has Some Thoughts! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/zBCMKvpVT4w
  29. LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - We Were Honest - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/q3unPozL1Qg