Federation Diplomatic Corps

Revision as of 12:18, 29 May 2024 by Jovenan (talk | contribs) (realised the seal is for Starfleet DiplCorps, switching to UFP seal)
The Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets
Federation Diplomatic Corps
Organization Data
Affiliation United Federation of Planets United Federation of Planets
Headquarters Paris, Earth
Parent Organization Department of the Exterior
Leadership Style Government agency
President of the Federation Narala
Secretary of the Exterior Lily Ventu
Predecessor Member world independent diplomatic corps

The Federation Diplomatic Corps, sometimes referred to as "the diplomatic service" in contrast to "the service" that denotes Starfleet, is a civilian agency of the United Federation of Planets Department of the Exterior and is responsible for negotiating treaties with foreign powers and maintaining inter-member relations and diplomacy within the Federation.

Rank Structure

An ambassador may be a career Federation Diplomatic Corps member (career diplomat) or a political appointee. In most cases, career FDC members serve a tour of approximately three years per ambassadorship whereas political appointees customarily tender their resignations upon the inauguration of a new Federation president. As embassies fall under the Department of the Exterior's jurisdiction, Federation ambassadors answer directly to the Secretary of the Exterior.

The current Federation president is Narala, and the Secretary of the Exterior is Lily Ventu.

Diplomatic Rank/Position Starfleet Equivalent
Federation President/Federation Council
Secretary of the Exterior
Ambassador/Chief of Mission Admiral
Deputy Chief of Mission Captain
Counselor for _______ Affairs Cmdr/Capt
Defense Attaché LtCmdr/Cmdr
Envoy LtCmdr
First Secretary Lt
Second Secretary Ens/LtJG

Diplomatic Roles

Chief of Staff

Ambassadorial Aide